
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

at least the bass goes boom


my new headphones are AMAZING. i had to reign myself in to not literally start dancing on the bus on the way to work, and on the way home i walked all the way to have a few more minutes of good bass inside my head. unfortunately, the microphones weren't good enough to handle a conversation with sailor while at the grocery store, but overall they're an enormous improvement over what i've been using for the past year or so.

there was a bit of financial stress over the course of the day, even if we have had a couple of better months. it would be nice to not have to be quite so careful.

i had a hard time focusing on my primary task at work, but i did get a pleasant surprise in the morning that led to a quick experiment that led to a new and improved feature that i've been wanting to implement for months, so that felt good.

i wasn't up for joining the rollerblading group. there's always something, and lately it's been a general health and well-being thing.


in the morning, a journalist reached out to a facebook group asking for aliyah stories, and for her sins i gave her one. hopefully this project of hers will go somewhere.

i rollerbladed to work in a neon orange vest, and forgot to change into a "work shirt" before our first meeting - that was embarrassing :/

it was a few hours into the work day before i remembered that i was on-call, and it only a short while before leaving the office that i realized that there'd been a couple of slow fires burning all day. fortunately nothing serious, but that's not the point :(

i got precious little of my actual work done, but i did make progress. i also intervened by bringing in the boss when one of my coworkers continued to run interference on his own task, and judging by the ensuing constructive conversation i overheard i feel like it was the right thing to do.

out of the blue, i received a message from the team lead i interviewed with before bombing (i'm pretty confident it was the HR interview that did it) - he's left firefighter's company, and it was really nice that he thought of me even if i'm very happy with where i am right now.

during the day, i had a revelation: that i need to go to misrad hapnim in person and see if i can speak to a human being about my mother's situation. that led to me waking up about an hour and a half ago with my brain on fire, fantasizing about letting sausage fingers know that she's a mentally handicapped witch who's bringing nothing but evil into the world.

it felt good to be able to print and give gd her new cannabis license.

it felt good to help mr smear finish his end-of-year card for his teacher, and that this year there were no issues with sending positive blessings.

i spent a good chunk of the evening playing catch up on a wide range of political posts, and a lot of it was just too much to handle. i eventually made a conscious decision to shut down, and finished reading the first lightfall book and read a few more panels of the hobbit graphic novel before passing out.

alright, dawn is breaking. i'm going to try to get in another sleep cycle now.

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