
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, June 03, 2024

13K+ steps

today started off a bit shit. the morning was going okay until mr smear and i left the apartment, and then mr smear got angry with me for trying to talk to him about something he didn't want to talk about and the rest of the walk there was... shit. it could have been a lot worse. we've had worse. i'm not ungrateful that it wasn't worse.

then i went to the pharmacy to pick something up for gd that she'd forgotten to get when she was there yesterday. that wouldn't have been so bad, except that i ended up waiting about 45 minutes as my number kept getting pushed back for priority cases.

then i came home and faced off with a mysterious bug that took me a loooong while to figure out. interrupted by having to return to the school to give mr smear his meds because gd had just done a treatment on her foot. at least mr smear had cooled off by then, so that was a small improvement to the day.

then i came home, worked some more, then had to return again and take him to his hebrew tutor. i sat down (as usual) with a coffee and my laptop, made a little progress, then picked him up and came home. all-in-all, not unpleasant at all.

although it was hot. summer's finally here.

i finally completed and merged last week's task, which was a relief. i then spent the next few hours wrestling with something broken, something that i really don't understand yet, along with a whole bunch of annoying docker issues that effectively burned whatever focus time i might have had. all while trying to get mr smear to do his homework.

mr smear did, eventually, get the homework done, and fortunately in time for us to stick to our new commitment of wall climbing twice a week as a compromise for him quitting mma. added to that, getting there and back on wheels to get him used to the notion of using it for transportation as opposed to "going for a ride".

both the ride there and back, and the wall climbing, were a remarkable success. we had a good time. we got exercise. mr smear got the satisfaction of getting back to the top of the wall.

my only disappointment was discovering that the new pads i waited for are completely useless, so i had to use the ones that got damaged along with my knee. i'll be trying to take those back for a refund tomorrow.

the evening was good, and mr smear and i had a really good conversation at bedtime about what happened during the day and how he could have handled things better. he was also a bit disturbed by the ending of invader zim's bestest friend - which he thought was hilarious aside from the eyeball thing - and i managed to tie in the day's lesson to dealing with that and he went to bed without further incident. so i think we're doing okay.


the war + the global success of the BRICS propaganda + the durban jew attacking a muslim family = sheer emotional and psychological exhaustion. now we're even more scared for jewish south africans.

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