
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

weekend unlocked

 the morning started well enough. i got mr smear to school with a good vibe, i withdrew cash so that we could pay the cleaner, and i finally got my personal project's backend upgrade almost-complete.

then i rollerbladed to work, and it was absolutely fine.


oh, right - there's a background to this whole week that i've barely mentioned: i'm finally, after years of not taking it seriously, decided to take being overweight seriously. i'm sticking to my fasting hours a lot more consistently, and i'm mostly avoiding my usual non-stop snacking or replacing the snacks with healthier options. i know it's going to take a while to see results, but i can no longer ignore what i've been ignoring for most of the past decade.


i barely worked on my ticket today. instead, my boss dropped a surprise thursday release on my lap (thursday is israel's friday). the initial production deployment went smoothly, but i happened to uncover a bug in production so it was followed by a hotfix. and then another one, during which i made a mistake that led to some drama.

we managed to sort it all out before our "happy hour", with no production downtime, and as soon as i was done shoveling a vegan knafeh down my throat i headed home to pick up mr smear and take him to the climbing wall.


i was feeling bloated and uncomfortable all afternoon, and so it wasn't the most comfortable experience. i introduced mr smear to the rollerskating rink next to the climb wall, and he enjoyed riding around in circles. he proceeded, begrudgingly, to have a pretty acceptable climbing session, although he wasn't pleased about the lack of treats at the end.

there was a little girl on the climbing wall who has a stump in place of her right hand. watching her trying to get up the wall was nothing short of inspirational.

it was also a good lesson for mr smear. he was initially very unsettled, and needed to take a break to get over himself, but we had an easy conversation about it and there was no stress, and a few minutes later he was back on the wall and quite focused.

he's riding his bike really confidently, it's simultaneously a source of pride and a huge relief.


the evening's been mostly good. getting mr smear to bed wasn't easy, but it was easier than last night, and i'm finally finished with the backend upgrade. now i'm going to either enjoy the rest of the evening, or fall asleep, or both.

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