
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

playing ball

yesterday wasn't better than sunday. it was worse, in fact. it began with a pretty shit moment that just expanded until it consumed the morning, and the rest of the day didn't improve significantly. i spent all day wrangling a variety of unwieldy pieces of code, and generally wallowing. gd's mission to the dentist turned out to be for nought, although the taxi ride was apparently therapeutic (she always has interesting conversations with the drivers), and though not without navigation drama, she took mr smear to his hebrew tutor.

in the evening, i took mr smear out to the climbing wall. not only did the day ending and being outside with my boy improve my mood, but he had a particularly successful climbing session so we were both quite pleased by the time we came home.


i passed out on the couch last night, and wasn't able to get up and get to bed until the morning, by which point i was pretty much done sleeping anyway. the second-biggest event this morning was us going shopping for groceries and to replace the pencil case mr smear lost, during which we bought a couple of books and subsequently fought over them (mr smear says "no" to everything automatically), but at some point i managed to pull a good lever (threatening to delete a minecraft save) and the rest of the day he's been fine.

i mean, aside from fighting about going out to shoot hoops with the new basketball, but about halfway through our session he confessed - entirely on his own initiative - that he was having fun and regretted saying "no" before.

the biggest event of the day was my mom calling to discuss which date was best for her to fly, and learning she'll be here for mr smear's birthday ^_^

(now to figure out what to do about his birthday... speaking of which, he started the day by sending a text to a friend without consulting us; fortunately, he got a positive response, but it's really hard for us to make sure he doesn't damage relationships because he hasn't figured out asynchronous communication and tone yet)

the contractor we've hired also called me this morning, he was inspired by the tale of mr smear getting into gamemaker with me last weekend and wanted to ask what i thought could help him with his own kid (who's a little older than mr smear, but doesn't english too well). i'd love to collaborate with him on a fun game that could teach english and hebrew in an engaging way.

it's been a good day, and now we're heading into shavuot so... chag sameach!

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