
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

end of school year

seven more sleeps until my mom arrives!


we had a busy but productive friday morning. we picked up small lamps for mr smear's bike, two minecraft comics in hebrews (without nikud, and he's reading them!), and we picked up a scale (not amazing, but does the job), i got some vests, gd got new shoes (which don't fit), and i had one of the most amazing sandwiches ever.

we had a quiet friday afternoon, although as usual getting mr smear to do homework was a bit of a struggle...


yesterday was mostly a quiet saturday spent indoors, lots of inscryption (i'm apparently really bad at kaycee's mod), a fair amount of resting and wondering about how one would make inscryption work in real life, watching home alone 2 together, and finally: taking mr smear for a ride to get ice cream. the ride there was great, and the ice cream was great, but then...

... on the way out, mr smear decided that we weren't heading in the right direction. after trying and failing to convince him, with him becoming angrier and angrier, i suggested that he lead. we went about four more blocks before he realized that he didn't know where he was. then, on the way back, he decided that he couldn't trust my navigation skills and that the only way to find out how to get home was to use the phone.

which i refused, because godsdammit i *knew* where the fuck we were. so we argued on and off until he got smart and agreed that we just shouldn't talk for a while, and when we finally arrived at a place he was familiar with he admitted that i knew what i was doing and that he should have listened to me.

so yesterday, mr smear learned the word "putz" :P

the rest of the evening was nice, and we watched what is now his new favorite show, run for the money.

today so far:

i got mr smear to his last day of school with a good vibe, and then went past the clinic to make sure gd has what she needs for her upcoming allergy challenge. also, my hand's been really hurting for the last few days, i've just made an appointment for next week in case it doesn't get better...

now i've enjoyed a chilled morning, and it's time to head out to work.


after a week feeling pretty shit, i rested well on the weekend. i didn't get anything productive done except recover, and i'm okay with that.

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