
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, June 14, 2024

round twos

 well, last night was rough, after posting i suddenly discovered that my lower back was sore (sciatica, possibly), and i struggled with it until late morning. it's still flashing occasionally, but it seems better. i'm pretty sure i encouraged it by playing basketball in sandals yesterday.

the morning was okay, but i wasn't in a good place. gd and i had a moment triggered by an issue with the new school security guard, but fortunately it was only a moment. then i went to work, and the first part of the day went well.

the second half, not so much. i ended up hitting two brick walls simultaneously, and one of my coworkers came to assist but even he had no idea what was going on. i ended up leaving the office almost half an hour late to pick up mr smear and take him to the climbing wall, so that felt shit.

getting to the climbing wall, and the first half of our time there, was pretty good. i wasn't in great spirits, but we were having a pleasant enough time that my mood was beginning to recover. and then, pretty suddenly, we went from good vibes to shit vibes. mr smear wasn't succeeding on one of the walls, and he decided he wanted to go home.

i eventually got him to move to a different wall and complete that instead, but although he seemed to be in a better mood on the way home i most certainly wasn't. while i showered, he tried to convince gd that he shouldn't go climbing again, and she told him the same thing i did: climbing, or mma.

he chooses climbing.

anyway, after getting him into bed i jumped back into work, fortunately uncovering the source of the problem and being able to move forward. it was a slog, but i eventually got part one of the weekend work done.

why am i working on my weekend? right, because we want to release on sunday and i've been taking much too long on my tickets. even if it had been my fault... good grief. but fine, at least i'm finally feeling like i'm getting a solid handle on the deeper parts of our machine.

i spent the past couple of hours half-heartedly verifying my changes, and playing more inscryption. i've just managed to defeat the boss, and i'm feeling pretty damned pleased with myself! i kinda feel like doing this again has enriched the experience somewhat. it's a gorgeous game.

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