
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

it feels like the same (rounds)

 it's 26° 91% humidity and i'm sweating, but as much from the temperature as from the anxiety of having just posted some thoughts into a whatsapp group of "movers and shakers" that an old friend snuck me into that now includes a real celebrity hero of mine 🤘

yesterday was a mixed bag. mr smear's been on-and-off with his behavior, but on the whole he's recovering from bad vibes faster and more gracefully. while he was at school, we went to the hardware store and i finally upgraded the lock on the bathroom door. in retrospect, the original mechanism was fine, and a better fit, than the replacement - i might have to switch it back. but the inside of the door is rotting away in a manner i've never seen before.

i'm becoming increasingly confident that our landlords did, in fact, live here for a very long time before we moved in, and that they never cleaned / fixed / maintained anything and only left because it was clear that their home was falling apart around them.

i worked pretty hard yesterday - a little on-call, but mostly finishing up the pre-release work - and i got most of it done. i'm refusing to do anything that isn't on-call on shabbat, but there's an issue somewhere and i'm going to have to decided whether to look at it tonight or wait until tomorrow morning...


how the diet's going: i'm used to enthusiastically picking up a good bread at the supermarket and eating it on the way home (assuming it makes it all the way to the checkout). i picked one up yesterday, ignoring gd warning me that it wasn't a good idea.

firstly, i took a bite outside and immediately spat it into a bin. i don't know if it was stale, or if the baker's intended for it to taste horrible, but it was simply inedible. the woman at the manager's desk was kind enough to let me swap it for a different bread entirely, one that called itself a "baguette" but was more like a cousin of a baguette, that was a vast improvement but still wasn't a great experience.

and i ate the whole thing. and then thoroughly regretted having eaten so much that i didn't even enjoy.


the fight about homework notwithstanding, yesterday afternoon was okay. i read some more of the hebrew translation of lightfall: the girl & the galdurian, which i started on wednesday, and i'm enjoying it immensely. having said that, while the artwork is phenomenal and the story is solid, there's something about it that interferes with its readability as a graphic novel. i don't know if it's the panel layout, or the visual transitions, but i feel like there're little details i'm missing out on here and there.


i wasn't expecting my replay of inscryption to go so quickly. in what feels like three or four sessions, i've already reached the phase where i got stuck on my initial play-through. i think there're a lot of details that i didn't appreciate fully the first time because there were so many hours of play to make connections over!


mr smear definitely wasn't ready for hacknet, but he was very grateful that i decided that he's ready for inscryption.

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