
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

shaky waking

this morning began rough - i felt horrible when i woke up, so much so that i had to lie down for about half an hour to get balanced. i suspect that my neck had been at a bad angle :(

i got a ride to base, but the timing was a little off and i had to abandon half a cup of coffee to be on time for the day's duty. we had about three hours of lectures, and i spent them fisting my eyes and massaging my temples.

i was happily surprised that my previous TL was in the same group as me for today's testing. not only did it give us a good chance to chat, but it's a good feeling that for one day we're both on the same level. i got my rank a few days before he was promoted to the same, and his regular job is as an SC so he's way ahead of me on that scale.

i gave up lunch with him to meet up with a few of the guys from the course i just got back from. i was charmed that nobody was answering their phones nor calling back, and ended up eating alone. i did have an opportunity to chat with my TL and nystire's, and we got onto the topic of scientific efforts to extend life. my TL's a deathist too :P

the examination itself wasn't difficult, but i ran out of time because i'm slow processing hebrew. i filled in a bit more than 85%, and scored 80%, so i guess i have an idea of what's up. either that, or my taking two seconds to randomly fill in the rest of the paper helped.

i returned to the office a little bit boggled, got some secretariat stuff sorted out, did a bit of work, and left. i did some super-fast shopping on the way home, received my wireless card and discovered that ubuntu has issues connecting to my pda so i can't pass it the driver... shite... some time was dedicated to organizing the snowboard trip's travel arrangements, and then i went shoe shopping. i had enough points for a pair of pretty nifty-looking cats.

walking home would've been better, same as the exam would've been easier, if only my nose wasn't so stuffed. it makes it difficult to enjoy stuff and concentrate.

roger ebert on ben stein, specifically tearing him apart for his lack of a functioning neural network.

i enjoy reading questionable content, but he really has taken his strip to a new level. setting up twitter feeds for each of the characters and having them interact is nuts. here's the link for the main character.

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