
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

fell for it

bank aggravation: i find it really hard to deal with unintelligent members of the species, and don't have the patience to suffer their apologies when the time they consume could be better employed providing service. i didn't have all the bank details i needed to make the transfer to pay for my ticket to the high school reunion, so instead of just breaking the bad news the teller tried to help.

i don't like helpfulness unless it actually is.

i went to the post office, this time the unpleasantness was my fault... i was in a nasty mood after i left the bank. i wasn't awful, but i was sharp and i didn't need to be. it didn't help my mood any that i didn't get the item i was hoping for. i almost complained to the seller about his tardiness, but just before sending a rude message i noticed something written in the small print which caused me to chill for another few days.

the lawyer called this morning, the apartment is essentially on hold for a month. not great, i'm praying it's worth the wait.

i managed to get something useful done this morning, i met with a guy and helped him with an important section of his work. we then went to sit on a panel for the guys who are now doing the course we just completed, and we (about ten of us) were great. i was a bit nervous addressing so many people, but i got out everything i had to say and from the questions and comments i received afterwards it's apparent that at least part of it sunk in ^_^

it was also nice having lunch with the guys from the first leg of the course.

i spoke to my mum today, and all the details for the holiday seem to have been sorted out, so i'm feeling good :)

the big mistake: i made it before, which makes it worse. oddly enough, it was cleaning-day today as well :S

i had a sudden palmtop epiphany! now i feel like a complete moron for not having thought of it before - i can't sync my pc and my pda, but i have an sd card. multi-readers are cheap, and buying one would save me the hassle of connecting my camera to the pc every time i want to download photos (that wouldn't be a problem if i had enough usb ports). that would effectively raise the amount i've spent on the pda to just over NIS 150... still acceptable.

and yes, i thought about putting the sd card in my camera, but my camera's is incompatible.

i went out for an okay toasted sandwich at movieing with nemesis - the foxy waitress and i ran past each other this morning, that was the inspiration for the choice. the quality's dropped a bit :(
nemesis and i spent the rest of the evening arguing over apple's principles; i was trying to explain to him that apple is about selling a lifestyle / look / status, and that they shouldn't make it affordable because that would negate the effect.

i'm too yawny to blade tonight :(

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