
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


my brain's melting after spending well over an hour trying to get the wireless drivers installed. getting them onto the pda was only the first part of the solution :'(

a giger start to the morning: i had time to kill and breakfast and coffee in the apartment.

a) security - the reason there are no trash cans or recycling cages around the central bus stops for soldiers is so that nobody can stuff explosives in them. currently, every two weeks some poor bastards have to comb through the surrounding vegetation with plastic bags picking up all the crap, and the non-too-bright soldiers are learning that littering is okay. wonderful.
b) dangerous leak - i'm on kitchen duty this week (because that's what i'm qualified for, i love the army), and got sent out with a heavy bag of oozing liquids (because there are soldiers who can't reach the sink to tip out their half-finished cups of coffee) only to discover that there'd been a dangerous leak of *something* around the trash containers rendering them inaccessible. i got lucky and found a janitor to leave it with (poor sod).

we had a long team meeting this morning: the primary item on my agenda was okayed, so i'm really chuffed and am looking forward to a really interesting project. our techies came over to install the environment i'm going to need, and suddenly i was troubleshooting them instead of the other way around, decoding cryptic error logs and fiddling. i think i may have freaked them out a little :P

our TL is a believer. today's topic of conversation was homeopathy. please read moonflake's introduction and its follow-up (they're two parts of an introduction).

let's just say the argument became less-than-friendly at one stage. i refused to let him trap me and the witnesses with logical fallacies, but at the same time i couldn't remember enough details to "prove" to him that he should think a little harder.
it particular aggravates me that this is a really intelligent, hard-assed guy - i just don't get it.

i just took a break to eat a really good sandwich at coffeeholic, and discover that not reading the news on a daily basis is quite healthy. it's either awful, stupid or just plain weird. i don't know if i have the energy to tackle the wireless right now, and my head's buzzing a little (probably from the monitor radiation) so i think i should call it quits anyway.

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