
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


i woke up at 6.30am this morning, almost (but not quite) like a normal person, left the apartment at 7-something and by 7.20 was sitting at cafeneto with coffee, a croissant and the latest edition of wired. that's a proper breakfast.
i then walked in the promise of rain - actually having to shed my jacket due to incongruous weather and buying an umbrella on the way (the one i was carrying is damaged from last year).

a not-entirely-original joke entered my head on the way: "you shouldn't mess with me, i just did sit-ups"...

this temple massage thing does help. i've been doing it all day and my eyes and head in general do feel a bit better.

i sent an "unsubscribe me" mail this morning, with my section as a cc. the SC called me - he informed me that it's offensive to send mails like that to soldiers whose entire job is to make and send spam. he suggested that i simply do what everyone else does, and create a rule to delete it on arrival... shouldn't we be reducing the amount of crap being flung on our internal network? just a thought.

i met up with a couple of guys from the course for lunch, it seems like they're having a really horrible time and i'm urging them to file formal complaints. this is at the hands of the same bastards that bothered me years back, and for the same reason.

i have a "decision maker" on my desk, kind of like a magic eightball, that my team gave me last week for my birthday. one of the guys was standing behind me while i worked... he asked it (out loud) "does totalwaste have a long penis?"... to which he received the answer: "ask mom". i then had to explain that as he'd asked the question, it was referring to his mother, and general hilarity ensued.

i could have hopped a bus this evening, but walking in the rain with good psychedelic rock playing seemed like a better idea.

my guitar's beginning to feel a little more comfortable. this is good.

i was too late to buy marmite - i have to prove to my TL that the word "intense" is the correct one to describe the taste. i managed to get egg's gift organized, though, and the mongoose's is on the way :)

a spur-of-the-moment effort: trying to arrange a game of munchkin because the weather's not good for blading.
result: buying beers, coffee (i only drink turkish) and chips, and then moving it to tomorrow night. the ex-canadian guy whose apartment we played at last time has suggested a beery replacement this evening, to which i agreed - after completely homophobically checking his facebook account to see that he'd selected "interested in women" :P

things are moving with the apartment, and i'm beginning to get excited! the new flatmate was a bit disappointed, she knocked on my door to ask me what i'll be taking when i make my exit, and she got all sad that the lounge is going to be empty.

i really need to get offline.

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