
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

race card

how is it that i ended up going alone? i shouldn't be drinking alone - there was more than an hour to kill before they started playing due to a number of unfortunate technical errors... i had way too much time to contemplate my situation. not that it's negative, i spent a lot of time smiling to myself over really odd things.

the day:

today was racist day. it began with what has been incorporated fully into israeli slang: "like a nigger", and it drives me nuts every time i hear it. israelis think it's cool because african americans speak like that... i find it offensive. when the topic came up later it sparked an argument that lasted the rest of the day and included pretty much everyone.

i had an especially hard time trying to explain to the indian in our section that no, he's not black and cannot use the word. israeli's call yemenites and indians black, which is... kind of blind.

this morning i hunted down a bad image and fixed it. that was "work". the rest of the day didn't really improve much.

eclipse is supposed to make life easier. i wasted so much time trying to figure out how to set up a plug-in and eventually gave up and wrote awt code manually. i really shouldn't consider abandoning notepad. the only positive thing eclipse brings is an easy-to-read error / warning list and a shortcut for compile and run. all the rest is crap.

today was cake + doughnut + chocolate day, too. so i guess it was racist deli day. i ate way too much junk. which reminds me, one of the kitchen staff on base got confused, and began throwing officers out of the enlisted mess. we just glowered at her until her boss arrived to seat us.

i pretty much finished my primary task for the week, and can now focus on the fun stuff. the problem with the timing is that by the time i start getting into it i'll be on my way to south africa for a month... geez, the sacrifices i make, hey.

team-mate disobedience: i had to convince the girl on my team to get in the car and go, she was so concerned that i didn't have a ride myself that she thought she'd take the bus. wtf?!

something reminded me that while shopping the other night i ran across a copy of reactivate 12. like, WOW.

noble brats were excellent tonight, again a pity not too many people pitched. their sound is great!

the weird flatmate is pissing me off. he's so good at it it's becoming hard to believe it's accidental.

'F' is killing me: i'm getting it, but it's really painful. i've even managed to rip a small part of my newly hardened fingertip :(

maiden voyage! spaceshiptwo is out of the hangar ^_^

do octopii have feelings?

the bro code isn't!! i quote the reviewer who wasn't satisfied:
we all know that Bro Code Article 89 is:
The mom of a bro is always off limits, but the stepmom of a bro is always fair game IF she initiates it and/or is wearing at least one article of leopard clothing
In this travesty Amazon call The Bro Code article 89 is: A Bro shall always say yes in support of a Bro

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