
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, December 01, 2008

sleep lessons

i spoke to the lawyer yesterday morning, and things with the new apartment seem to be going well.

it was my birthday... and i felt crap for most of it. the best moments of the day were comprised of the guys really appreciating the cake i brought, and an hour or two that i could actually get some work done.

i was distracted by an uber-annoying task for a couple of hours yesterday morning, doubly problematic because it wasn't successful and, like everything else, was cutting in on the time i needed to be working on my project. my project, that desperately needs to be completed before i leave for south africa (the end of the year).

i started off the afternoon by re-attempting the failure from yesterday, and just as i began to get the hang of it i was told that it hadn't been relevant since the morning. it's good to be in the loop.

then this evening i was informed that the project itself has been frozen, and i've got almost no time to wrap up whatever i've done and document it before getting on to the next deadlined item. i think the guys noticed i was beginning to enjoy myself :(

i did some shopping on my way home yesterday, and bypassed the orange juice and bought oranges, with my fruit-fucker in mind. after searching for it for about twenty minutes, i phoned my flatmates and was told that neither of them have touched it or seen it.
i'm fairly confident that the weird guy was juicing when the new girl moved in :@

i had a couple of interesting conversations with vision, the first of which was surprisingly pleasant and the second surprisingly annoying. she began as if nothing had happened since we last spoke, as if everything was gravy, and then suddenly made a switch and informed me that she's been dating someone for the last year and that what i did was awful, and that it's inappropriate to speak to me.

but she... she got in touch with me - and she sounded hurt because i'd deleted her number...

alter bridge is creed? no way!

a fn evening (inappropriate chatter):
i spent the evening with gco, his sister and fn - haven't seen them in a while. we sat over beers in one of my favourite coffee shops, telling incredibly inappropriate stories and having a great time ^_^

fn came with me when i went to the ilke to meet egg. i had an odd moment where i walked right past the lead singer of eatliz: i registered her and her boyfriend a second too slow, and decided to leave them to it.

we were all impressed by the fact that the bartender picked rum on his second guess. maybe we'd all had too much to drink and i'd let slip before, but i don't think so. fn is a sweet girl, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer; she also drinks a lot and gets decidedly inappropriate. i don't think the guy at the kiosk's ever going to forget my face, he and his friends were laughing riotously as we made our way out :S

i got to sleep around 2.30 - 3am, and i woke up before 6am having slept like a baby. today was without any doubt the most productive i've been in forever, i was focused and feeling good, and here i was worried that going out drinking on a school night was a bad idea. as my mom just said, maybe i need to stop trying to sleep so much.

why was f.e.a.r. in my head for twelve hours? i have no idea where i may have heard it.

i had a pretty good start to the day - although i was struck by the hopelessness of trying to respond to all the facebook birthday wishes. i tried.

i managed to return last week's test results to the doctor within five minutes this morning, and then went to the dentist for a filling. she's a pretty decent one, and i was so relaxed that i snored myself awake a number of times while she was drilling. i've never had that happen to me before!

i've been struggling with organizing holiday permission, and today the story is more-or-less resolved. nobody wants to authorize me taking a month of unpaid leave, we all want it to be half and half. now we're tugging on the bureaucratic tape to see if we can make things work, but apparently the big boss is alright with it as long as we're doing our best.

bank disappointment: i finally made it to the bank on time! and discovered that i did get the release money from the army, but it's a pitiful sum so i'm not thrilled.

i have to restart my pc to get the sound working again, hopefully i've fixed the problem. i like the ubuntu forums, there are actually useful people lurking about.

then i'm going to try facebook again :P

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