
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

wheeeeee! kend


i can't decide whether to go backwards or forwards with my blog...


got up late this morning (6.30 / 7am), met up with the other south african from my base, and went to herzliya. i sorted out my rent and deposit (i hope, only able to verify it on sunday), had a great breakfast, and then we joined a whole bunch of other lonely soldiers at the cinema, to watch closer. great movie (although i hate jude law's acting), and natalie portman is SO sexy.

we got back to the base in time for an INCREDIBLY average lunch, and i spent the rest of the day doing the most horrible job - comparing database scripts to the database to see if they'd run. it's the most menial pc task i think i've ever done.


it was a pretty crap day. mostly average. learned a lot, though. when i got home, i went for a jog, and turned back almost immediately. i got "rained out". by a slight drizzle. i did get very far in my attempts to do the splits, so i'm rather chuffed.

1st feb:

getting up in the morning was hell. real hell. my bed is SO comfortable (i'd forgotten), and i was feeling SO sick. i don't actually know how i did it.

i went straight to the clinic when i got to the base, and if i wasn't sick before, i should've been dying by the time i left. sitting there amidst the hacks and coughs of many squished people in a waiting room sans air-circulation.

i had great difficulty communicating with the medic who saw to me. and the less i understood, the LOUDER - SHE - TALKED. like an american tourist. after five minutes she was screaming at me, and i was seriously unimpressed with having everyone in a 100m radius knowing all my personal details.

we spent the morning moving some of the guys into the new room that's been assigned to our section. i was volunteered to help move, and clean. it's great being the lowest rank. on the plus side, during a period of arsing-around, i discovered the picture that i fell in love with many years ago (the one that inspired the "i've come for your daughter" shirt), and hopefully it'll be printed out soon - cause that baby's going on my wall.

i had to do 5 hours of guard duty - guarding the main gate. right next to the guard-commander and there're tons of people passing all the time. i managed to smoke, and drink a large hot-chocolate, without anyone seeing ^_^ so cocky. almost got caught by my section commander, but i'm sneaky enough :P

after the shift (accidentally forgetting to return a full uzzi ammo clip), went off with a couple of guys to a comic book store - great store, and i've ordered myself a TPB of rogue trooper!! w00tness in the extreme!
i also discovered that pvponline is also a real comic (and i've read them all, so nyeh), and that sandman comics are NOT what i read. so i don't know what i was reading...


spent most of the day cleaning / moving / learning... had a fight with my seargent, who might just become my team leader - not a wise move.

the preparation for guard duty was the longest ever - the guy took more than an hour to tell us all about the stuff we learned in basics. i guess he's a counterstrike enthusiast - he was coming up with all sorts of possible scenarios for attacks, and explaining how we should deal with them.

my guard duty was boring, and i had a newspaper in hebrew. it's the first one i've ever read.

on my way home, i picked up a hotdog, and finished with a cigarette on my balcony. and remembered why i like smoking so much - it gives you a good reason to just stand and appreciate the view. i find that as a non-smoker, i look, say "wow", and then get bored.

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