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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

*flip* *flop* week gone *flop* *flip*

dammit. i lost another one :D

last weekend:

parties - the tone was set by a rather crap one early friday night. the second party was alright, but i'd lost the mood already. if i'd had it to begin with.
on saturday i had lunch at her parents, and it was REALLY nice. surprisingly so, hence the CAPS.


we had to work late, until just after midnight. that about covers the entire day. i think.


i met up with a friend of a friend for a business-type startup-thingy meeting. it was educational. i love the idea, i don't think i'll be able to dedicate myself enough. got to arrive late to the base, just in time for lunch - i'm getting good at that :)


spent the morning at the clinic, for blood tests. it was kinda scary, they needed rather a lot of blood, and she kept wiggling the needle around to get more. it kinda hurt.

in the evening, unless i'm very much mistaken, my old / new bosses gave me a ride home, bringing a pc for me to use. i started working on the project, which is basically a resurrection effort - not so simple as i've never worked in these environments before... but i'm learning.

yesterday was just another day. lots of arb work, and a lesson at the end from the prick who's been riding my case the last while. it was a bit irritating, but we learned a lot, and he's almost gone.

finished off the day at the dance bar; drank a little too much...

today was quite alright. i still had to get up early... but i dropped off my laundry, and got sorted out at the bank (deposited a cheque - i can eat this month!). i had a tiny, tiny croissant, with an average cup of coffee, and then my new / old boss picked me up, and we went to the tax office.

which was SO much simpler with someone there to explain. got everything sorted out super-quick, and then sat down for coffee (with real croissants), to talk about the work. turns out i'm now getting a base-salary, with extra depending on the size of the projects... so basically contracts, but better.

the rest of the day was spent doing QA... it kind of sucked, but i did get moments of figuring cool shit out. i *WILL* learn to play with the oracle demon.

i've been at work since 6ish, and it's now 23.45, or thereabouts... there's a lot of us working, hopefully it won't be too interesting.

and i feel the weekend.

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