
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, September 29, 2023

quiet celebration

 very quiet. weirdly quiet. i'm not complaining.

we went out to pick up a bike chain and a shower head, on the way encountering a man behaving very strangely on the bus. when we got off he walked straight into gd, and it's really not clear if it was an intentional assault (which is what gd thinks) or just him being very high or somewhat brain-damaged. i literally don't know, and i watched things unfold right in front of me.

on the way back, we encountered a woman who was on the phone with the police while desperately trying to clear something from her eyes, some liquid which had been thrown two blocks down between a bunch of... i don't know who else, but we saw two arab men and one of them was also dealing with his eyes, so i expect that there were others involved that had disappeared already.

so it was a strange and tense there-and-back.

we spent the next couple of hours taking things easy, i messed around with unity while watching typescript origins: the documentary which was surprisingly interesting. my experience with trying to get a 2d mobile unity project to build? surprisingly frustrating:

My expectation was a project that would at least build out of the box for a mobile platform target. What I got was a missing configuration (no adaptive performance provider and frame timing stats not selected), a compilation warning of "unable to find player assembly" (with no suggestion of where to begin creating one, a tutorial / doc link would be nice), a very unclear build failure that appears to be related to my using an older version of Unity installed only a week ago, and then Gradle failures relating to version support in spite of the fact that I'm using the built-in SDKs.

The 2d platformer tutorial, on the other hand, built for Android and deployed to my phone with no hassle whatsoever.

and i'm still going on the attempts, and i still haven't figured out what's wrong...

i took mr smear out with his bike, we went to a park close by and this learning-to-ride-a-bike thing is a series of lessons for us both. i'm trying to keep things light and fun and it's difficult with a kid who gets angry easily when things aren't working how he expects. and i don't exactly know what i'm doing in getting him into it / supporting him while he gets the hang of it, even if i basically know how to ride a bike.

but that part of the experience was fine, overall. what killed the experience was that both of us were being bitten to shreds by mosquitoes, and we were harassed from the first park to a second, before being chased home.


we haven't made much progress with the yom kippur puzzle which is on the dining room table, so kiddush and dinner were on the coffee table and we finished the adventure time: stakes season with gd.

i've been continuing my attempts with unity since (mr smear went to bed after 10pm, i think) and i'm a bit shocked that it's midnight already...

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