
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

lost in space

 i've been playing a lot of crying suns lately. it's an exquisite evolution of ftl.

i've also been playing galaxy attack: shooting game again, as opposed to space shooter - galaxy attack that mr smear and i occasionally play together on the bus home from his training. all those games are pretty much the same, and the hardest (read: next to impossible) way to play it is without ads or purchases...

my nose is stuffy. we didn't go wall-climbing yesterday, as mr smear woke up struggling to breathe through the snottiness on saturday night. he completed bugsnax all by himself in the morning, and i kept an eye on him to make sure he was alright. he seemed to be, but the way the story ended was bothering him so he didn't feel much like celebrating. then we watched the rest of the live action one piece, which was fantastic.

in the evening, we had a big argument about shower time (i came up with a great analogy to explain how time works on the way to the school this morning, he's less argumentative about it now), and after a long stretched out period of time trying to calm him down before he went to sleep, i tried to bring up things to make him feel good.

bugsnax wasn't it. he thinks the developers are idiots for "messing up the story", and it doesn't help that i think the story was interesting and clever... anyway, i'm rather grateful that that's what was bothering him...

gd and i met the school's art therapist this morning, that seems like a good thing for mr smear.

i spoke to my mom this morning, and was concerned to learn that her car broke down while she was passing the cape town townships yesterday. fortunately she managed to push the thing to get her somewhere marginally safer, but "safer" is relative. i spoke to her again this evening, and she's made it clear that there's no reasoning with her about emigrating :/

the arab pharmacist i encountered on the way to the office was thorough. thorough is great, except when you're purchasing something sensitive with a line of people standing two feet away from you.

i spent most of my morning running through the things i was going to tell my boss when i got to the office, and then i got to the office and read the room and decided that it really wasn't the right thing to do. i'm just going to shut my mouth and walk away as soon as possible.

it was a much better day (obviously, i went off-call), and it had some good moments. in the middle of the day i went to the dentist, where the guy replaced my filling surprisingly quickly and i'm still trying to figure out whether it's good or not.

i think it might be good.

i shopped and bussed home making a concerted effort to neither bite my mouth parts nor drool, and somehow succeeded in spite of running into mr smear's previous teacher on the bus. she asked about mr smear wearing glasses and was completely shocked by his prescription - i suggested that that offers a plausible explanation as to why he didn't dig reading exercises so much last year.

i got home to find him reading a hebrew book to gd, he's clearly a lot more comfortable now than he's ever been.

i'm kinda tired. it's half past midnight. here goes nothing...

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