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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


 yesterday seemed to be ending on a reasonably good note, until mr smear went to the toilet before bedtime and we discovered pinworms. like, we actually saw one with our eyes.

and then the dragons arrived.

it's hard to console a child who's screaming in agony. we eventually convinced him that if he didn't stop the awful screaming our neighbors were going to call the police for sure, and we tried a few things to help him out but the effects were marginal. it took forever for him to be able to sleep, and then a while later he woke again for another round.

jesus h. christ.

once he finally managed to fall asleep again, it was my turn to keep myself up with the same messy weirdness in my head and physical discomfort, along with the freakish i-don't-have-a-fever-but-i'm-alternately-freezing-then-sweating-profusely of the past couple of nights. 

the morning began with learning about rosh yehudi, which absolutely changes *everything* about our local politics.

i rushed off to the pharmacy to pick up a treatment, arriving just in time for my appointment* to discover that gd's assumption that it would be prescription was correct. fortunately the receptionist was able to assist me in getting a script from mr smear's doctor, and one from someone else after we learned that my and gd's doctor was on vacation.

* i'm still impressed that i can make appointments for the pharmacy online, it's a game-changer!

it was educational.

anyway, we started the treatment, so that's good.

just as i was getting into work mode (i was feeling pretty good today, but still not confident enough to head to the office) i received a message about the contract i've been waiting on. i couldn't help myself, and i snuck a peek, and was immediately disappointed to learn that my sudden nagging suspicion was correct, that the recruiter hadn't informed then of my salary range.


the first thing that happened today was that my priorities got thrown out the window again for yet another new, urgent task :/

at least it's an interesting one, and i managed to get the first phase ready for review soon after putting mr smear to bed. it's been a long work day.

i spent some time playing around with tax and social security calculators, and i think i know what the numbers all mean now, but i think i'd better sleep on it before i craft a response.

holy crap it's after midnight already. fine. bedtime it is.

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