
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 i smashed by pinky toe into the tiled corner of a very solid wall this morning and it cut a nice slice into it, after bleeding a bit then being cleaned up by gd it didn't give me too much trouble... until a short while ago, when i managed to smack it into the floor, and just now, when i bashed it into the foot of my chair.

it's bleeding again. and it's sore.

it feels like the penultimate way to end a shitty day...

i'm on-call again, and i woke up tired. after dropping mr smear off at school, i came home to do the dishes - the pile was so huge it took gd and i about an hour to get through it, and that was double-teaming. then i went off to the office for a day full of shitty little surprises.

three work highlights of the day:

1. the toast for the jewish new year. the sheer awkwardness of it.

2. i don't recall quite what i did exactly, but i'm pretty sure that my response to one of my coworkers was inappropriate. i chased it with a heavy meal of humble pie, i think the outcome was okay.

3. we have an enthusiastic new product person who invited a whole bunch of us for interviews to figure out who we are and how we operate. smart. i gave her the low-down; i feel like she's slightly less enthusiastic now...

two real highlights of the day:

1. i received very positive feedback from one of phoenix's mma teachers (well, the jiujitsu teaching assistant)

2. the company i interviewed with yesterday wants to proceed! that's awesome news, although there are two uncomfortable addendums: the first, that they want a reference from someone from my current gig (fortunately i managed that, but it's a dicey thing to ask), and the second, that i realized this evening that i'm not sure if they know how much i'm asking.

i really hope that doesn't cause harm.

leaving the office was hampered by another incident, but i managed to get home in time to eat with my family. i've spent the following hours alternating between work and personal admin, and chatting with my mom, and i'm now very tired and contemplating crashing.

but i'm also very worried that the moment i start actually sleeping i'll be awoken by the damned pager.

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