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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

a tiny puzzle

wow. i actually fasted. 27 hours (due to a logistical error on our base's part), and then the kid and i broke it with that cereal, pastries, and a mango. the base cat stalked in at the sound of celebration (er - tool, i'd consider that a celebration), and we provided it with a plastic saucer of milk with some of the chocolatey-nougaty cereal bits.

damn cat refused. i'm shocked and horrified. and insulted. offended, even!

we had supper in the mess hall - nothing special. we'd kinda expected a little better, but hey, wooooo, we're in the army now. as usual.

we sat chatting with the guard commander - nice guy, with some very interesting ideas. when he left, we continued talking for a bit, and then i remembered that i have to be functional in the morning. and i've been curious about the concept of an electronic gyroscope for a while.

i've been watching bits of the sixth sense, and catching up on news (after feeding the cat, at least *this* one appreciates it, even if she can't bloody help kick out the trespassers).

small child demonstrates shocking taste
pretty. and it kicks ass.
the grammar nazis got the wrong guy.
looks cool. sadly, i couldn't see the video :(
hollywood's saviour
the answer is available.

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