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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, October 16, 2006


last night: ignoring the missed event, i ran a pseudo-test and my threads went even more out of control; that after i built in blocks specifically to tone that behaviour down. back to the drawing board, yay.

i had a long (drawn-out, it was over sms) argument with mpe, because i'm not prepared to make sacrifices to see her, especially not on weekdays where my work hours count to fifteen. not a chance.

and besides, a large part of the excitement about moving to our new apartment is the idea of relaxing and enjoying everything, without having to mission around the country.

either way, she's coming to visit tonight. i guess i'm going to have to make my feelings on the matter clear.

i got home early last night... around 11.30pm. the rain had paused, but as i walked in it began again, and i remembered that my laundry was still on the line. when i opened the window the wind was blowing the lines back and forth, and although i didn't find anything, i'm convinced that i lost a couple of items.

i moved rooms. now i have the corner room with cupboards. badly designed cupboards, but cupboards nonetheless.

this morning was hellish waking up. the cable guy arrived around 8, and i'd misunderstood / not paid attention to spot, and he installed the connection in the wrong room. oops. we got it all working, then spot arrived and made coffee while i shaved and brushed teeth, and we sat outside enjoying the caffeine before i had to make my way to base.

i picked up my no-longer-defunct pc, lugged it back to my office, plugged it in... and discovered that they'd completely ignored my instructions, and installed the wrong OS in the wrong language. and so i returned it and made damn sure that they understood what i wanted.

i returned to the office, and sat with the kid over some code i fixed last week. private pile asked me a question about a specific error he'd received. i made an attempt to lead him to discovery: this was a mistake. his answer to every question was "i don't know", and every i don't know scored him a simpler question. to the point where i asked him an absolutely rediculous question ("what's a variable". to somebody who's passed two tests involving them and claims to know VB), his response was to look me in the eyes, tell me once again that he didn't know, and then he began lecturing me on how to teach him in the most effective way.

his idea of "learning" is to get all the knowledge, without any form of thinking whatsoever, magically transported into his brain. so basically, once we've explained everything, he'll know everything. he's put as much effort into studying this shit as a raindrop does falling. and he's pissed me off. what made it even worse, is that he then began to whine, and bitch about how i'm going about it all wrong, and i don't understand what it means to learn.

his last sentence before i stormed out with clenched fists (i'm *not* going to hit him, i have enough problems): "and i'm staying as calm with you as i can, my patience is wearing out."


i went back to the techies, supervised the final stages of my reinstall, carried my pc back to the office, and had a chat with my TL. he calmed me down, and gave me some advice, and i plan on putting it into practice. i'm going to ignore the fact that he's an asshole, and i'm going to shame him until he tries to prove himself.

i spent a while configuring my pc, then went off to lunch with a guy from our team who's just come back from 2 months' recovery after surgery. i snuck into the officer's mess, and organized a decent meal :)

later on in the afternoon, our TL made a comment about having had a serious work-out the day before. so we challenged him to pull-ups, and then did a really fun set of push-ups that left me sore. i went downstairs, and then spent half an hour fooling around with a basketball.

i made my way to work - on the bus with the kid, i suddenly started feeling woozy, and my ear began hurting. i bumped it on a rusty airconditioner yesterday, and it's a bit swollen. i've remembered that it's probably been more than 5 years since my last anti-tetanus shot, and with my hypochondriac tendencies i'm now totally conscious of it.
The presenting symptoms are often jaw or neck stiffness, difficulty swallowing, and irritability.
- healthscout
irritability i got. plenty.
gonna have to go to the doctor soon.

spot sorted me out with coffee (he does that a lot, lately. and i'm entirely grateful.) when i arrived, we chatted a bit and then came up to work. i dealt with a few things, had a chat with the boss and manager (he's given me some cool stuff to do - stuff that doesn't rely on our provider), and then a guy who works with my previous boss stopped by and gave me and my computers a ride home. it was great catching up with him, he dropped me off back at work, and blogging and news is all i've been doing.

now for a smoke, and some actual work. news later :P (:F, thanks moonflake)

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