
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, July 15, 2004


why? why does EVERYTHING have to be a story?
huh? tell me!

i napped for about half an hour last night, then began some SERIOUS grafting on the project, systematically eliminating bugs... mmf and SxS came over quite late, around midnight, and we worked for three hours on the presentation, and the project. we were FINISHED by the time we left for SxS's, where we practically crashed on impact.

umm. except for the fact that i broke my "no sugar" rule, and had lemon merangue before bedtime. i barely slept the whole night (the sugar wasn't the only factor, to be fair: it was hot and i was uncomfortable on the couch).

i got up about 09.30, and finished up the design document, before we had a quick breakfast, and arrived on campus at 11.30 (for a 12.00 presentation).

our lecturer was in a meeting, in the presentation room, so we went and practised the presentation in one of the classrooms. when the meeting was over, we went back to the room to install the software, and the lecturer made us wait some more.
which was, without any doubt, the most rediculous turn of good fortune for us! if we hadn't been stalled, we would never have discovered that an entire section of our code was missing!!! without which, we would have failed our acceptance test. there i was, frantically last-minute coding...
(a feeling not wholly unfamiliar to me)

and we still had a tiny mistake :$... fortunately, it was too insignificant to notice, and i've already found it and fixed it.

the presentation went quite well, with very few hitches. it was such a relief to get out of there!

we spent the day at ru55's pool, playing full-contact water-basketball, which was VERY cool, but VERY painful, and tiring.

i've discovered, to my horror, that life in the army's going to be a little less simple than originally planned - i have no idea where / how i'm going to live, and i'm not going to have ANY money while i'm in. i don't have any idea how i'm gonna eat :'(

after a big lunch in ra'anana, SxS dropped me off at home, and i've just had an AMAZING cold shower, fixed up some more of the project (before i forget), uploaded it to the lecturer, and am about to crash.

and, unless i have to write supps...

i have a degree!!

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