
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


*** yesterday ***

IGNORING the horrific pain and discomfort i was in, due to having slept badly two nights in a row (my neck and upper back are totally screwed up):
i did a lot of prep-work for the finance exam. it was an open-book exam. i took in LOTS of material. it was still a NASTY exam, with loads of tricky questions. it took me 2hrs 50mins out of a possible 3hrs. i have absolutely NO idea whether or not i got lucky enough, as it was all multiple choice => no partial credit.
although i did manage to learn (during the exam) how money market hedging works... and the lecturer did give me a free 5% ^v^...

i visited the social worker, and now i have more kids to teach. i hope this doesn't suck. on my way home, i organized a HUGE shuwarma, which was both tasty and very messy.

i rollerbladed to ru55's, which damn near killed me, and spent the afternoon chilling in the pool - which made my neck feel a bit better.
i discovered something rather interesting! if you hang upside down from the side of the pool, it's far easier to hold your breath - i think it's due to the blood flowing differently under water.

oh, and SxS threw my pants over the balcony. i still can't believe he did that. and they landed in a bowl of something, and were totally soaked when i went to fetch them.

SxS dropped me off, and she came over with her video machine, and 21 grams. we went to the beach to watch yogi playing volleyball, but left early so that we could watch the movie. the movie is really well done, quite powerful.

*** today ***

i went to the volunteer center (where we have to go to do community service). the women i met with was most upset that i haven't been putting down "extras" in my hours, like the time it takes to walk there and back, and the time i could've done when i get stood up by the kids i'm teaching. i so could've been finished my service by now :(.

i've just finished my breakfast, watching discovery science, listening to them saying all the things i've been dreaming about the last few years. nice to know i'm not alone - we can get humanity off the planet!

time to do some work. or sleep. or something.

(oops! i completely forgot - i got 99% for my global marketing exam! w00t!)

*** later ***

i just got back from a four hour tutorial. it was the math kid again - he's explained to me how he's going to quit school and become a rapper.
so i spent the four hours discussing the realities of life. i'm sure none of it meant anything to him, but i did get four hours of community service done, so #@$% it.

i discovered today that i accidentally left out a major portion of our project, which needs to be ready for testing tomorrow.

so i dunno what's going to happen, and we also have to study for the next exam.

mmm - hmmm.

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