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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, July 01, 2004


*** yesterday ***

i handed in both my bureaucracy paper, and my seminar (bullshit) paper. i faxed my request for army leave, but unfortunately i forgot to check whether they received it.
how embarrassing.

i helped some people in my class study for an exam that i'm not taking - it was interesting. some people just aren't destined to understand computer basics...

i slept a little in the afternoon, and learned a Very Important Principle... again. it never ceases to amaze me: the only time anyone can get through to my cellphone when i'm in my bedroom (we're experiencing reception problems), it's a particularly annoying person, asking a particularly stupid question, while i'm trying to sleep.

i couldn't get back to sleep after that... so i continued reading brian herbert - the butlerian jihad, which is STILL interesting, and i'm almost a quarter of the way through it already. it's a bit fast-paced, but then again that's become my usual complaint. i like the story to be savoured, and i feel that lately authors are tending to give away too much of the story at once...

i got to work at 22.00, which was way too early (but i use public transport, so i don't really have much choice). i spent the evening clearing email, reading my book, and even catching an hour or two of sleep.

*** today ***

i only began to actually work from 03.30, and it was such a quiet night that i didn't really notice when we finished. i spent a lot of time playing kingdom of loathing, which was a nice change of pace from the past week or so :)

i finally got to sleep around 7am, and woke up around 09.30, to speak to the army. seems everything's okay, but i'll have to wait till sunday to get a more definite idea of what's happening.

aside from doing some heavy-duty shopping for the weekend, i spent my day at home, resting and doing some work on our final project. in fact, i'm not entirely certain about where my day went...

i've just gotten off the phone with her - and i just had a startling revelation.

i'm finishing my studies in TWELVE DAYS. i'm starting to move my life up north in TWELVE DAYS.

good night.

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