
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


*** yesterday ***

yesterday was a complete waste of a day that i sorely needed.

i spent around FIVE hours on campus, trying to prepare the computer for our presentation. i finally gave up, on the third failed attempt (on a freshly-installed system!) at installing oracle's database. oracle is, in conclusion, the crappest software i have EVER come across.

(one expects, when confronted with an "installation successful" page, that the installation was successful)

in addition, i came up with a solution that completely replaces the oracle workflow, does its job better, and with no overhead.
scummy bastards.

mmf and i spent an hour or so not-really-working at my place, as the internet went down at one point. he fucked off to install his new computer, and i worked on our project until SxS came to pick me, and we went to yogi's.

where i tried, repeatedly, to get them to work on our presentation (which just so happens to be THEIR responsibility).

*** today ***

eventually i gave up, and yogi gave me a ride home.
on the way to the car a bird shat on me. life just sucks sometimes.

i have to shower now, obviously, and then i HAVE to get some sleep - i'm still not over being sick, and i have to get up early in the morning for community service...

i've been neglecting to mention the weather we've been having lately - about three days ago summer moved in for real, and it is HOT all day, every day. even the israelis are sweating like pigs constantly, so its not just me.
at least the weather forecast appears to be cooling off - all the way down to 26 / 27! whoohoo!

*** later ***

it DID cool down today - only it was still disgustingly hot :(

i began my day all bright and early, and went to do my community service like the good lad that i am.

and there was nobody there.

that sucked, for twenty minutes.

so i went home, and spent the morning working on our project, which is MAYBE halfway done...

i spent three hours helping some kid with his math, which was much better than usual, and then had a haircut for the first time in a year. not bad, too.

sammy came over, we talked and played some tekken, and now i need to crash, before getting some more project work done. tonight's gonna be a bit rough, and tomorrow's my interview with the army.

must - speak - hebrew...

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