
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, July 04, 2004


*** 2nd ***

i went to bed sometime between 00:30 and 01:00. i read for an hour or two, and tried to sleep, but failed. so i worked on our project until roughly 04:30am - it's #@$%ing STUNNING, but i was #@$%ing TIRED.

goldenangel woke me around 9ish, to say that she was 5 minutes from my apartment.
i was still half-dreaming when i met her at the corner. i tried to go back to sleep, but that didn't work. we had some coffee, and then went shopping.

i bought a book for my cousin's 80th birthday, and a sweet-yet-simple card, and we ate crepes for breakfast.
was nice.

i introduced her to invader zim ^v^ (although i can't believe no-one else had...)
i passed out, apparently for hours.
go figure.

she came over, bringing her video machine and a copy of the whole nine yards, as neither of them had seen it. afterwards, we had a STYLING supper at tal bagel's, and then watched the whole ten yards, which is simply AWESOME. it was loads of fun, and we couldn't stop smiling.

*** yesterday ***

we played a good couple of hours of pool, and were later joined by SxS and ru55.

all in all, it was a most enjoyable day.

i slept remarkably well, albeit on the couch. goldenangel and i had coffee, while i wrote a touching thank you letter for this cousin of mine, then i showered and she picked me up.

lunch was really nice, ignoring the fact that her father's still harbouring some serious issues about us. the food was amazing.

i tried to teach goldenangel some tekken, but it's difficult to give a crash course in something as intricate as that.

SxS came by, and we all went off to yogi's. we organized a pizza at almost half price: huge and with red peppers and onion (a SUPERB combination). we spent the evening semi-studying for the finance paper on tuesday, and i got some substantial work done on our project.

the big news for the day - i got a personal interview for the unit i want to get into! wheeeee!! it's just amazing that they're at ALL interested in me

*** today ***

we went to a friend's place for a visit, around 3am or so, and had a singalong (SxS and our friend are learning to play guitar). afterwards we had sambusak in the industrial area, which was quite tasty, and we then returned home.

*** later ***

i slept well, again on the couch, but had to wake up far-too-early o'clock to take goldenangel to the busstop. instead of going back to sleep, i had a cool shower, and have just finished working out a bunch of bugs from our project. s'nice. s'very nice.

more good news - i got my leave extended! i'm coming to south africa for two months! w00t!

*** later ***

i'm losing patience teaching math. there's something very wrong with these kids i'm teaching. it shouldn't matter to me, but i hate the idea that i can't really give these kids as much help as they need.

i spent the afternoon with SxS and ru55 by the pool. we had a great time, acting like five-year-olds ^v^. i got a little overheated, so when i got home i passed out on the couch, watching cartoon network.
i'm *SUCH* a hard-worker.

i spoke to my cousin from the kibbutz, and it seems that everything's working out smoothly... this is all so very cool!

i've spent the past hour or so working on our project, and it annoys me because i keep getting bogged down with silly details. although, i am learning all sorts of new things about visual basic. sometimes bugs ARE features.

right. enough. finance time.

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