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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, June 28, 2004


*** yesterday ***

the good news is that i finally figured out the answering machine message for my army unit - and managed to get through to the right person - who could understand my english / hebrew combination!

i spent an hour yesterday morning teaching english. it was quite an experience. not bad, mind you, but definitely an experience.
this kid's english is even worse than the other one's, so everything i say in english i have to repeat in hebrew.

i did some serious shopping on the way home, and yogi picked me up as soon as i'd put everything away. we went through to the industrial zone for lunch with his father, which was great.

after lunch, i faxed through my proof-of-loneliness to the army, and am now waiting for them to send me a form to fill in. once this is done, i can move to the kibbutz as a "lonely soldier", which is exactly what i've been trying to do.

yogi and i, aside from doing his shopping, spent the afternoon fretting over our seminar paper, which is going nowhere fast.

it's driving me nuts.

that's pretty much all my news for the day,

*** today ***

as i just got home, brushed my teeth, and am about to pass out.

*** later ***

i slept until roughly 09.30, had a lukewarm shower (i really dislike my flatmates), and went off to orange.
they've replaced my cellphone.

this time, however, i have bluetooth. it's nice to have, but i'm not sure i'll ever really get to use it.

i did some shopping while i waited - i bought a modern-day version of homer's iliad, greg tobin - the siege of troy. ok, so i'm the anti-purist, but i wanted to get the story without the difficult reading...

i also got me a very large book of hebrew stories and poetry (i had a similar one in english when i was a lad, and i really loved it), so i'll have something to keep practicing with when i'm in cape town.

ah - it feels good to say that. i'll say it again. WHEN I'M IN CAPE TOWN.

i slept away the early afternoon, and i think i'm pretty much back to normal again. i should be okay until i fsck it all up working on wednesday night...

i've been studying for the exam tomorrow - i'm totally not concerned. i'm more worried about this seminar paper of ours. at least we can see some light!

i'm teaching tonight, the kid who can't add - i hope it doesn't de-brain me too much.

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