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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, June 11, 2004


the last week, i've been consuming as little sugar as possible: first effect - reduced munchies. second effect - feeling generally healthier. although these could both be in my head, i'm feeling really good about it!

*** yesterday ***

after posting last night, i watched terminator 3. now, the quality wasn't very good, and there were some rather crap drawbacks (like a really crap john conner), but it WAS a terminator film, and i quite liked the story - and even some of the "cool" stuff.

i woked up, had a relaxed morning, and went to waste time on campus - the classes were okay, the timewasting was quite fun!

i got some good news from a friend of mine - although it's only an indication of what might happen: someone Very Important from the army took a look at my cv and references yesterday, and he was enthusiastic about me.
please, oh please, oh please, oh please... * prays fervently *

i didn't get much chance to relax when i got home last night, as an hour later i had to leave for work. and i was pretty tired.
i enjoyed a memorable shuwarma (in a HUGE pita) on my way to the bus station (and now that i'm single, i can put on as much "amba" as i like - it's the atomic / radioactive spice-sauce that retains it's breath-effect for a day or so ^v^), and was on the bus with a girl from class, and two kids from taekwondo, which made me feel a little uncomfortable about reading my book :P (puck of pook's hill).

*** today ***

work last night was BOOOOORING as hell, all though there were some highlights - watching MK 22, the israeli version of southpark (similar style, about some idiots in the israeli army), and there was little enough work that most of us spent the morning playing flash / java games online.

i got home at roughly 06.00 - 06.30, and tried to watch donnie darko before bed. i don't think i made it past five minutes...

i woke up around 15.30, and had a grapefruit-sans-sugar breakfast, with cheesecake yoghurt (my favourite), and i think i'm going to spend my afternoon watching donnie darko, which looks pretty good, or reading the da vinci code, which is simply amazing.

*** later ***

#$@%ing UNBELIEVABLE. donnie darko has just joined my list of favourite movies of all time.
i enjoyed every single second of that movie.

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