
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, June 12, 2004


*** yesterday ***

i spent the remainder of the afternoon reading the da vinci code. downright inspiring (on the assumption, phycon, that you haven't heard all this before). got me thinking about what it really means to be jewish, and how much judaism has changed to preserve / hide its origins.

*** today ***

i read until about 00.30 or so, and decided that a shower was in order. but i had to wait for the hot-water cylinder, so i put on my freshly-downloaded crouching tiger, hidden dragon (which i'd never seen before).
crouching tiger, hidden dragon was goooood. i hated the running over the rooftops bits, i feel they were a little TOO extreme, but otherwise i enjoyed it all immensely.

i've just gotten up, with a bout of mental masturbation - a dream inspired some of it, i have to admit. check it out.

*** later ***

i'm bored. so i'm updating. i'm updating because i'm really, really bored.

let's see - i just finished reading the da vinci code, which is simply SUPERB. and it makes me more proud than ever of the magen david. although i still have a long way to go before figuring out exactly how to deal with all this information, in terms of my religious tradition, heritage, and spiritual beliefs.

i have done practically NOTHING of value today, i've been a total layabout. i've watched a few more episodes of invader zim, which were mildy amusing ("WHOOOO! anyone think that was cool?! please respond!" - the tiny, floaty member of the resisty)... oh, and i had an outing to the store... bleargh.

i have no idea what i'm gonna do until later - i'm so hoping our plans won't fall apart to go play pool...

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