
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


*** yesterday ***

yesterday was great! water and i met up at the central bus station, and took the bus to the lincoln. we got a table as soon as we walked in (and i forgot to reserve one), and played some serious pool (he's really good).

it was MOST enjoyable.

*** today ***

we walked to practically the other side of tel aviv, to a bar called "ice" - for 70's night. it took a bit of talking, but we got in for free: the music was pretty good disco, which is what we were looking for, and there was some great eye-candy.

after a few songs, however, the dj lost it, and played totally not-for-dancing 70's songs... and all the girls left...

i'm not sure i should be writing about the rest - we've been thinking that maybe it's better to forget...

we walked down allenby, to allenby 40, and had an interesting chat with the doorman. who gave us a tip that it was good inside.
it's not a big place, but it was packed with unfortunate-looking singles, all desperately (and unsuccessfully) vying for each others' attention. the music was godaweful, and everyone was greasily, grimily sliding past one another in an attempt to escape the evils of their little sections.
and we stayed in there a while - we had had to SPEND MONEY to get inside! damn BASTARDS.

oh, and NIS 25 (close to R40) of beer got tossed by some big ugly f*cker, who refused outright to get us another one.

after finally escaping the clutches of club hell, we took a quick walk to noga, where the atmosphere was clean and metallica - nothing else matters was good for the brain. we spent some time there, listening to the barkeep telling his sad stories (he'd had a few too many himself), and focusing our stares between the big screen extreme tv, and the styling womenfolk.

we managed to con a taxi into bringing us back to herzliya for half price - SWEET. i just got home, am about to hit the shower, and then hopefully get some sleep before class at 10.00.

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