
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, November 08, 2003


*** yesterday ***

she was really, really kind, and took me to tel aviv to pick up experimental, and then brought us back to herzliyah. i'm going to need to do something special to repay that - please mail me any suggestions (i can spend lots of effort, but very little money, and my imagination's not very good).

*** today ***

we went to our buddy in pituach, who fed us really good chicken soup, and allowed the others to make a small spliff sweatshop, with a cute production line and some very interesting results.

i managed to leave my jersey there (that's now two items i have to recover), and we then went off in search of the party.

we had to wait a while at the entrance, so we took the opportunity to eat some candy (to go along with my liquorice), of which even i had a small sliver.

rhino met up with us, organized our entrance, and directed us to the party proper. it was on the edge of a forest, a really nice spot. the music was really chilled and funky. there were lots of people, which i hadn't expected, and unfortunately a lot of arsim (greaseballs, pimps, assholes). we had a really fun night, and sunrise was great. the only problem is that right after the good music started, the arsim started fighting. the music stopped, apparently someone got stabbed. we decided it was a good time to leave. good that some people really get into the true spirit of the nature party...

we got totally, utterly and completely lost on the way out. we had a grand adventure before one of the patrolling guards found us and led us out.

it was during the ride home that i really started to trip. we got to ra'anana, and i was getting hectic visuals, and i was given salvadore dali - the paintings to read. i didn't make it very far into the book before passing out, and aside from a brief attempt at 11.30 to watch ed, edd, and eddy, i slept until 13.50. i walked back home, which only took about half an hour, had breakfast, took an INCREDIBLE shower, and played counterstrike. and didn't do too badly.

i had an extremely frustrating experience just now: i tried to book movie tickets (kill bill) over the phone, in hebrew. everything was going great, until they asked for my credit card number. i followed the instructions, put in the number, pressed #, and it asked me for the number again. i repeated this four times before giving up. why can't they just let me get ONE freaking thing right in this country?!

i intended to take a photo of myself when i got back, just to demonstrate how utterly messed up i was, and only remembered after the shower. sorry. there will be some photo's from earlier though.

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