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Thursday, July 31, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i needed to wake up at 10am, so of course i woke up at 08.30.
stupid, stupid human body.
i made all the calls i needed to make, the main one being to a decidedly unfriendly russian woman who had no intentions - whatsoever - in the direction of being helpful.

today was Domestic Day I, which went fairly smoothly. i went shopping, and remembered everything except the acid, which it turned out wasn't totally necessary.
some other time.
for the moment, i managed to clear all of grootbek's stuff out the bath (most of it was COVERED with black, smelly, slimy mold-creatures), and did as good a job of cleaning it as can be expected without going the heavy-duty chemical route.

i also cleaned out my industrial garbage can, which has been evolving for the past few months.
it introduced me to it's friends, millions of tiny bugs that cling to plastic and solidify.

all this was lovely to touch, and i am most grateful that the rubber gloves i bought managed to hold out - i really did expect them to be destroyed by the time i was finished with them.

and i cleaned my bedroom and bathroom floor. tomorrow is Domestic Day II, which involves cleaning the rest of the apartment.
oh, goody.

i went shopping with her for art supplies, and then had pizza for lunch / supper.
it was at this place called pizza slice, which is owned / run by an ice-cream chain (does this sound familiar?), and it's the only pizza parlour i've found in israel that does REAL pizza. american style (or south african style, whichever) - the standard israeli pizza is pretty gross.

at home: talked on irc and messenger, and played cs on the neojapangz server. hido - you were only on for one death. and you didn't say hi.
tsk, tsk.

i went with her to play pool for a bit. she's going to be really good if we play more.

*** today ***

it's late, i'm tired, and i'm falling asleep as soon as this is posted.

i woke up around 08.30, and i almost felt rested - it's just that now i'm feeling sick. i think it's a summer-cold thing, but it could have waited just a liiiitle bit longer (like, a few more weeks). i hate being sick when i'm a) by myself and b) busy doing stuff.

i completely forgot that i agreed to be in a panel for prospective students to our university, and got a call at 10am reminding me for 11am.
i was reading the mind-rape thing that's posted on psychotic american's site (new works). i really couldn't stop reading it. if nothing else, it's fascinating.
anyway, i managed to get to campus in time (in spite of my preoccupation), but i had to blade so i was all sweaty.

the panel: i was told we'd be there to answer questions. what actually happened was we sat there while other people talked crap, we introduced ourselves, and "boom", that was all she friggin' wrote.
i hate speaking in public, and i really didn't NEED for all those kids to know that much about me.
i feel cheated, somehow.

i came home, planning a few hours sleep, but instead played cs on the neojapangz server again. i have learned something about myself, but i'm not sure if i'm going to "fix" it.
i HATE waiting for the other guys to strike first. HATE it.
I just HAVE to run in, guns blazing. and i generally don't get any frags before i die, but i do a lot of damage and i clear the way for the next guys.
i think that's good enough - and i don't give a crap if i don't get points or score because of it.
i can't help but wonder if i'd do that in real life.
the only crap thing is watching these bozos on my team fuck it up anyway.

and some idiot kept exploding grenades at the beginning of the round, right next to us...

i met this guy a while ago - i'll call him petrol (there's actually a very good reason for this).
he and some friends are playing a vampire campaign, and he knew i'd be interested (he works at a store called freak). he called me this morning, and we arranged to meet at his place at 17.00 to begin character creation.
i never thought they'd expect THAT much detail. i'm going to be taking this a lot more seriously from now on. and there's still a whole lot of stuff i have to research on the web - like popular spanish names in the 1820's, and the speed at which tortoises grow.

the funny thing was that my automatic reaction was to come up with details that would make things easier for the creation, but then two steps later i'd get stuck in an even bigger mess because of it.
i learned though, now the only difficult thing is adding other people to the mix.

and i had a headache (i'm really not sure if i'm sick, or just really, really tired). if i use my nose and throat as indicators, then i need to call a doctor.
but i've been invited to a beach party that starts about half an hour ago, and i really am going. screw you, nose and throat!!!

...she's away for two days, so i can go without any worries about not spending the time with her - it's her fault, now :D.

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