
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, July 03, 2003


i've been trying all day to get the vodacom internet sms whatsit to work, and now i'm not sure if it does or doesn't. thanks to synkronos for the inspiration and advice (things not to do).
i haven't even thought of touching my tron game, and i definitely can't read the ddk stuff now.

my brain is fried and yet i still feel compelled to abuse my 'puter.
instead of studying today, i played starcraft (did a bang-up job on level 10, when the zerg overran i destroyed the little bastards), and read a bit of count zero.

invader zim is 20% and climbing, albeit ever so slowly. i kinda imagined that bittorrent would be faster than kazaa: i'm such a dreamer.

we have a marketing project that's due on wednesday - this is the biggest contributor to our final grade (ie if we don't do well i FAIL, regardless of supplementary exams). and grootbek, who's in charge of our group, is leaving on monday for the states. and we haven't even begun the nasty stuff yet. bugger.

the exam in corporate law was okay - i spoke a lot of legalese (read: crap), and generally bullshitted my way to filling in 85% of the paper. i was only 70% of the way through when i realized that we only had half an hour left...
*scribble* *scribble*

after the exam i chilled with the guys who work in our campus computer labs - every thursday evening is "happy hour", lots and lots of free booze and munchies. jack daniels and jonny walker type of booze, with some cheap tequila and vodka (written wodka in israel) thrown in.

i didn't drink. not for any other reason than that i had to go to training tonight. not that i could so much as walk in a straight line, but anywho i bladed there and absolutely killed myself with warmup and stretching.
and then there was fighting. twice i got kicked in the head, one of those to the eye, and i was tired, and hurting all over.
the guys i train with realized tonight, for the first time, that i really don't know how to fight. i kept trying to explain to them that the gold medal i won was a fluke, and they thought that i had a problem with self-confidence, so they kept telling me that i'm fine.

it's infuriating to watch yourself screw up and then have others tell you it's okay, like you're some sort of retard.
err... sorry, challenged person.

one of her best friends (male) has a visitor (female) from the states, so we took them out to play pool in ra'anana. it was quite fun, although i'm the only one who really knows how to play (she's getting better, but it takes time).

if there's one thing they know how to make in this country, it's ice-cream.

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