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Wednesday, July 09, 2003


i had serious pizza-dream last night.
and i feel compelled to share it. any analysis will be welcome, although anyone who's nasty about it gets a ten-pound hammer up the bunghole.

*** dream starts ***

it started off with me and her going to some dingy metal / rock club. we were parking off outside, and i had to go inside to get something.
instead of being bounced, i was put on a bus which went to a place that looked remarkably like glengariff road. but there was a kiosk / corner cafe in a side street that was definitely israeli.
i was then walking through the streets with this guy, who i didn't want to be walking with, and we were joined by someone else whose face i couldn't see.
i had on me a pentax camera that my mommy had given me before we left.
these two guys were trying to get the camera, and were going to kill me for it - strange thing was that all three of us had our hands tied to the front of our pants, and our pants were hanging around our thighs, so we were "running" very slowly.
so it was kinda like the slow-motion running away dream, but not quite.

*** dream ends ***

i woke up at 08.30 this morning to go to work, and my legs HURT. but i got dressed and made it outside just in time to get a ride with sammy.
unlike yesterday. i couldn't wake up yesterday.

work went smoothly - i goofed off for an hour, and we managed to get the job done in record time (i AM efficient, if nothing else), and i got a ride home with sammy again. i really like his new car - it's a citroen xsara, very slick and cute.

i went with her to have coffee, and to buy a card for my cousin's batmitvah - a picture she took was used for an advertisment on the back cover of a major art magazine! so we bought a copy along with the august wired, which i plan on reading on the bus tonight (if i don't pass out immediately).

so that's it then - i'm off in a bit (after a shave, of course) to greener pastures (literally), although i'll probably be able to update this from there.
if not - miss me.

*** later ***

god, it's so nice up here! everything's green, there's less heat and humidity, and everything is so laid back and chilled that one can't help but relax.
sometime in the past couple of months i bought my cousin a little elephant (she collects them), and this afternoon when she was helping me buy a card, we found another one: this one a toy where you press the button underneath and it collapses.
you know the type i'm talking about.
anyway, my cousin absolutely LOVED both of them - i am most pleased. the birthday / batmitzvah girl will be getting a present from sa, and hopefully i'll be buying and carrying it personally.

i had an interesting experience waiting for the bus here today - i met this girl many months ago while waiting at a busstop in herzeliya, and we talked for a while before going our separate ways.
very interesting girl, with a brother in japan and a sister in china somewhere, and with plans of her own to go thereabouts. plus she's semi-goth / semi-hippie. only problem at the time was that she was a little young for me, or i would have considered getting her number.
so i was sitting on the wall by the busstop, reading my new magazine, when i heard someone say, in hebrew, "your name's [my name here], right?".
so i look, and i'm STRUGGLING to remember her name, because it's not a common one. i got close (i remembered the translation had something to do with an eye), so she was impressed, and we resumed where we'd left off.
once again, i didn't get her number. this time, though, was only because of her - i don't want this girl to think i'm interested.
however, if there's a next time then i think i will get it - you never know who's good to know.

they have this cute concept in israel - "third time's an ice-cream". it doesn't translate well directly, but basically it's a warning: when you do something to someone three times, like stepping on their heels, you have to buy them an ice-cream. it applies for stuff like meeting people coincidentally too, so next time, whoever says it first gets one.

i just can't get over the atmosphere here - i adjusted immediately on arrival. it's nice that it's almost as if i hadn't left, and the last time that i was here was over two and a half months ago.
i know this because i was here the weekend she and i decided to hook up.

that's about it for today (i think it's been enough). it was all in all a really nice day.

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