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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, July 06, 2003


last night i spoke to my instructor, who's no longer certain that i should go to the instructor's course.

this morning i went to sort out the social security issue. it turns out that they can't really help me, but we've managed to delay their retribution a bit.

i went to get my results.
for the BIG exam of the semester, investment theory.



this is abso-$#%@ing-lutely AMAZING!!!

i'm going to arb around campus for a bit, dancing my little jig, generally being happy. this is SUCH a relief.

*** later ***

she's gone to her prom. without me.
hmmph. oh well, not much i can do. i went shoe shopping with her this afternoon, so i think i've done my bit.

grootbek convinced me to accompany him to the mall this evening, which was the biggest mistake. he went shopping for his sister and mother - as if this afternoon wasn't enough!
do i LOOK like a shopping fairy?
i did get ice-cream out of him, so i suppose it's all right.
so the good news is, we're rid of him for MONTHS! he's on his way back to the states tonight.
i've inherited his full length mirror, mosquito killer, and a box of really sugary american candy.

um, so that just about covers everything. except for the fact that i just discovered, while closing my room up in preparation for the airconditioner, some alien creature has been laying eggs on my windowsill.
i ain't never seen shit like that before in my life - i used a dustpan and some tissue, and they're probably going to hatch in our trash can and get revenge by morning.

oh, yeah, and i played counterstrike today.
in spite of the lag - roughly 500 on average, i still maintained 2nd place with seven or eight people on each team. i'm still good! i was worried. the only thing that kills me is the lag, for which there's no real solution. there aren't any israeli servers, and our connection's not that good (i'm behind an xp system...)

i got a call from the drivers dude - turns out i don't need to know all the shit i've been studying. ignoring the waste of time and brain-power (lacking), this is pretty good news. only the description he gave me seems too simple.
i wonder if i'm gonna get fucked again.
oh well. there's nothing to lose but sleep. and dignity.
and money. and err... i better stop there.

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