
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, July 20, 2003


i went to bed fairly early last night, but i couldn't get to sleep until around 2am.

i woke up at 05.30, got my shit together and got on the bus. it took about 1.5 hours to get there, but i made my way to the DMV equivalent and found the person that i needed to speak to.
big, horrible, ugly, mean-looking woman.
i thought to myself, "just be friendly, be nice, everything will be fine".
so i was - and then she told me i needed a medical. which i was told numerous times i didn't need. also, it doesn't make sense, because i'm converting my license, not getting a new one.
so i said, "are you sure?"
and then the monster came out. she got really upset, and said, in a non-too-pleasant tone, "I'M the one who decides WHO needs WHAT!"
so, thinking that i'd actually like to get my license, and that this uberbitch could stop me, i got VERY polite, and apologized, and left.
another 1.5 hours back. UGH.

organized a doctor's appointment, which lasted around ten minutes. thank god my doc's alright.

i then went to campus, to be told that the documents i need for the army aren't ready yet - should be, theoretically, tomorrow.
hopefully, sometime this week.

also, i received a promise that the social security people will call me sometime.

i came home, and began sorting out my delicious (can i call it that?), newly-collected collection of invader zim episodes (epidodes - it's easier to type).

while doing that, i received a call from someone whose son is coming to our university. she wanted to see what the apartments were like.

turns out, her other son is one of my least favourite people in the whole world - made quite a lot of trouble for me in high school, and the idea of living with his brother is just weird. it was a long time ago, but it's still strange, and uncanny.
disturbing, even.

anyway, so we spent the afternoon discussing all sorts of stuff, i won't bore you with the details, but it really is freaky how connected everyone is.
just when i thought that i was safe from other south africans...
i mean, i only moved to a different city to get away from them, and now they're on my doorstep?
thanks, ye gods.

i went grocery shopping - heavy-duty shopping, and then passed out for a bit. i may have played cs first, i'm not sure.

my mom calling woke me up, and as soon as i put the phone down, hido invited me to cs on his server.

it is now established that i suck. but not THAT badly. i wasn't the worst person on the server, at least. and i got SOME frags. so i don't feel so bad.
although at the beginning, i did want to cry...

it's WAY past my bedtime (tomorrow morning, 05.30 again), and i still have to eat and shower.
i think i'll just go do that now.

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