
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, July 18, 2003


*** yesterday ***

well, i got up fairly early again.
for nothing, again.
i really don't like getting up early in the morning.

i tried working on the drivers doohickey - i've decided i really have no freakin' clue what's going on. i understand each step, but i really don't know how to use the damn thing.
this is like a new kind of torture device. i can make decent cash if only i can learn how to do this.
ooh, hell is a place on earth... (bad 80's reference)

basically, i spent the day in front of the computer again. my brain is abuzz with radiation and i'm seeing scan-lines everywhere. i really need a break.
i couldn't even bring myself to play counterstrike.

i set myself up with a sourceforge account, and i'm planning on putting some of my ideas online.
i really wanted to make money out of them, but i really don't think it's going to happen. so maybe the credibility will do me some good.

i've already begun writing the documents, i just have to make a cute little website, and then post it, and see what happens.
it's kinda sad though. these are MY babies.

*** today ***

it's now 04.30, and i've been at work since 22.20. i've been writing the documents, and doing a leeeeetle bit of timewasting, and even answered a few calls.
and i only fucked up one helpdesk report :{o> (i have a beard now that she's gone for the week. i've been eating food with amba on it, too, which is this nuclear stuff which tastes amazing, but leaves your breath foul for days).

*** later ***

i was meant to go to holon, a really shitty city south of tel aviv, but JOSH didn't answer his phone until it was too late to go, so that didn't happen.
would have been nice, could have chilled the weekend, and spun on his decks, and then sunday could have made a really short trip to the DMV equivalent to sort out my license conversion.

basically, i spent the day in a stupor - slept sporadically, and played some cs, and read online comics, and searched in vain for my poetry collection.
i really hate losing stuff, and the past few days i've thought of loads of things that i haven't seen or heard or smelled in ages, that i just can't find anywhere...
at least i finally found my id documents.

i finally realized, after watching a few invader zim episodes, why moonflake kept saying "disgusting human worm-babies". it's contagious.
what worries me is, kids are allowed to watch this stuff? damn, but modern cartoons are DANGEROUS.

hido will appreciate this more than anyone else: i have learned, the hard way, that i absolutely stink at counterstrike. i'm not going to stop playing, but i can't keep my average score:death ratio to more than 1:10.
except when i play on crappy servers. which is sucky.
not that i haven't had some satisfying kills, but i really need to improve my aim.

i forgot to go shopping today - this weekend is going to be survived with peanut butter sandwiches and spaghetti with olive oil.
and water.

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