
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i woke up at 7am to go to the wingate institute, in an attempt to discover the truth behind the language barrier.
on the way (between bus stops), i was introduced to this really crazy pet shop. when you walk in, it's an ordinary pet products store. if you know where to look, there's a hidden flight of stairs, and when you go down them, you find yourself in this enormous pet store, with rabbits and hamsters and dogs and cats and birds, and more fish than you can stick a shake at!

anyway, we eventually got there, and i was introduced to the organizer of the course. he's quite a nice man, and seemingly smart - but he talks a lot. and he repeats himself a lot. i think he was trying to impress something upon me, but it meandered off somewhere and got lost.
anyway, i got some of the course material, got booked for the algometric exam (the test to see if you're going to die real soon), and an explanation of how it's my problem if i'm unable to complete the course. R10,000 on the table, i'm doing some severe thinking about it. especially considering that i don't have that kind of money.

i got home, and made what i consider to be a valiant attempt at reading the book on anatomy. it only took me about twenty minutes to read and understand the first paragraph, which is in pretty good time for me.
and i even remember most of the words.
but it's still not good enough to read a book a week and be able to understand and answer questions in an exam. even though the material's fairly simple.

i bladed to training around 16.30, i trained real hard and stretched a lot until 22.00, and got home around 23.00.
at one point during the training i had a really freaky experience. i've seen people with sweat dripping from their faces, as it's hot and humid and we're training seriously. but for a few seconds sweat was literally pouring down my face, like when you dribble water out of a bottle.

*** today ***

i got to sleep last night at around midnight, and i was meant to get up at 7am again for a taekwondo fighting lesson. i have no recollection of turning my alarm off (a feeling not wholly unfamiliar to me), and i was woken by my instructor asking me where the hell i was.
after several failed attempts, i gave up trying to get out of bed and called in damaged.
it's now 12.11 as i write this, and i am HURTING. i have so much stuff that i've got to do, and i am completely wasted. and all sorts of weird dreams last night didn't help.

on the positive side of things, today's gaming day - a few hours of multiplayer half-life and starcraft with sammy.

*** later ***

i didn't suck in starcraft! he still destroyed me, but i put up a decent fight (i was human, he was protoss), and i learned a lot for next time.

i love human beings. never could figure them out, but they're a very sweet moronic race. we should do something about that.
i don't know how to explain what happened today - but it was very, very stupid.

*** later ***

i got her to watch thursday with me, and surprisingly enough, she actually enjoyed it!
and here i was thinking that she had no taste (she hated akira and refused to watch johnny mnemonic after the intro).
and i enjoyed watching it again too.

supper was a typical israeli pizza - by sa or usa standards we wouldn't touch it, by israeli it was pretty good - it's hours later and i'm stuffed. i reckon it's pizza-dream time soon.

i tested command & conquer: generals: it is pretty and it runs on my machine. what i didn't realize is that i had about 50MB left on my harddisk after installing, which explains why it ran slowly and with a few jumps.
i really need a harddisk with more than 10GB on it.
anyone caring enough, mail me and i'll set up one of those whatsits that allows people to donate money to me.

i have been inspired by the wiki system - i'm considering putting up a section for recent changes. i hope it's reasonable.

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