
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, July 26, 2003


*** yesterday ***

i was SO tired yesterday morning, that i began doing really strange things.
this wouldn't have been a problem, but i was on a call, and while this woman was talking to me i put a pretzel in my mouth.
i wasn't thinking at ALL about the fact that i'd need to speak in a second, and when she stopped speaking i had to talk through it.
which sounded most strange, and all the other helpdesk agents noticed.

noun: reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others

at least the rest of my shenanigans weren't on live calls.

i got to sleep around 07.00 / 07.30, and woke up at 12:40. my lesson was due to start at 13.20, but i got a call almost immediately after waking up, informing me that i should be ready at 13.00.
so i didn't have coffee - plunged straight into driving k53-style, and when i got home all i could think about was sleeping.
she came over for the afternoon, and we passed out until about 18.30.

i went for supper at my cousins', which was really nice, but i ate way too much.

she and i went to see finding nemo last night.
AWESOME, awesome movie - i had my mouth hanging open for most of it. visually, it's stunning. literally.
but i can't see it being for kids - there were a few scenes which scared the crap outta me, like seeing bruce for the first time...

after the movie we went and played in the park - always nice. when i got home i was completely exhausted, and almost passed out on my way to bed.

*** today ***

i've just woken up, i think. it's now 11.42, i've had breakfast, and i think i'm about to go back to sleep.
alright, maybe some cs first.
i really don't think i'm going to do anything important today.

*** later ***

let's see - i had breakfast, played counterstrike, cleaned my fan, watched invader zim episodes, watched queen of the damned (interesting but unemotional) with her, played some more cs, went out for supper, did my laundry, and i'm about to go to bed.
oh, and i had a good lunch in there somewhere.

i don't think i used my brain the entire day. i'm kinda proud, actually - that was exactly according to plan :D.

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