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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

*brain explodes*

at 6.30am, the bastard that i am woke up spot to make coffee. i have to learn how to do it, but i need some good coffee and a practice session first. it's a vicious cycle.

the kid and i left just after 7am, and made it to the bus station just in time to make the bus that made it just in time for the inter-branch (big branch, there're two types, apparently) sports day. i got my t-shirt and cap, and changed into sporty clothes.

my previous SL and i did some stretching (he's good for something, at least), and the skies suddenly opened and huge drops of rain began hurtling down with such ferocity that we all (1000-2000 people) had to run for cover. our unit's sports colour was white... so we officially had the best team spirit: all our girls in white wet t-shirts for the next few hours.

the first event, volleyball, involved hunting for the court for ages. no signs, no people clued in. the first game was good, but nobody on the bench got a chance to play.

we went in search of the tug-of-war event. that wasn't organized too well either, we waited in the designated area (having arrived at the designated time) for an hour (joined a spinning class, actually), before we had to go back to the volleyball court.

i had a chat with the volleyball captain before the game regarding replacements, and she gave me some bullshit about wanting to win. ignoring who's better at what and how, and who gets tired and needs to be shifted temporarily, if your team is a game up out of three and you're already winning the current game, then you can switch with the worst friggin' players and still be alright. little cow, she is.

the mongoose and i took a stroll to the gym, and i did a bit of weight training (not too serious :P), before we had to run back for the volleyball final. the final was against a crappy team, and we lost: because the stupid bint refused to switch players.
even when it was obvious that two of the guys were tired and totally unfocused. that just pissed the rest of us right off.
oh, yeah. we got CREAMED.

we watched our team lose the basketball final as well (to the same unit), and then had lunch.

during lunch, the kid spoke to spot and informed me that he's continuing with his studies. this piece of news led to a discussion that interested private pile, and gave me a great opening to give him a serious lecture about ability not being enough, and achieving in spite of everything stopping you... and i managed to keep it from being about him - which seemed to make him more receptive.

here's hoping.

the three of us bussed back to tel aviv, and when the kid and i got home i showed him how to run the washing machine. we did a bit of shopping, i returned home to shower and change, and then we left to go look at furniture.

i discovered five minutes outside the apartment that i'd forgotten my phone; we cancelled the mission and returned home once again. at least we now know that there are cute girls living in our building :>

i caught the bus to work, and arrived in time to be hassled by our manager. spot and i alternated between serious work discussions and poking fun at him, and then (during a work-related bit) got our graphic artist (fxga) involved. she's not native english -speaking, so we had a bit of a misunderstanding :P

the manager asked spot and me for some help with a cabling problem, and we helped by offering him some really interesting, and sometimes rediculous solutions. he started getting upset, then said something amusing. my response: "i like him". i've said it many, many times before; it upsets many, many people. his response was to properly throw us out.

we sat downstairs drinking coffee and discussing spot's studies. it was a good talk, but it always bothers me that initially we're always excited about our courses and our enthusiasm quite quickly peters out.

i got back to the office to find post-it notes on our keyboards:
mine - "it's a conspiration against me. i'm killing you! shabat shalom guys. fxga"
spot's - "never seen that sit[e] in my life. I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT SITE! fxga"

i finally got an application i've been working on running (i was on hold while waiting for Yet Another Version Release), and now i've got some fun stuff to do in order to polish it up. yay!

i had a chat with the boss, which covered quite a few areas of interest. one of the topics covered was the lack of organization within the development team. so i spent a few minutes building an excel file army-style, to be shared and managed by us so that everyone knows what's up. wow. i did learn something in the army.

songs that must be listened to:
reveille - what you got
downset - together
the union underground - turn me on "mr. deadman"

linkage: i have 100+ articles to go through in my reader, and no time. so this is a cute one i was sent by nystire, and the rest will have to wait for the weekend... if i ever get around to them.

species split

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