
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

turning it into a win

kind of. at least the weather's improved.


the electrician came through this morning, he fixed the broken light in the stairwell. but while we were already paying the call-out fee, we got him to fix and replace a bunch of things, and although it was a very expensive morning our apartment's in a considerably better state.

mold situation notwithstanding.

there were a couple of items which we technically should be passing on to our landlords, but i really don't have the energy to deal with them. it's not worth it. 

leaving work on a successful note

my aunt's boyfriend dropping by for coffee and sad conversation. there were a lot of good points he made that required a recalibration on my part.

a sad conversation with vfmp (his brother in particular)

loads of dishes

bloons adventure time until late (i probably shouldn't be playing it. i don't know)

all day, i kept forgetting it was christmas. *shrug*



loads of dishes

getting the morning on track in spite of mr smear's protests, good talk on the way to school: the egg story - he wants to eat an egg because he remembers it from his pre-school where one of the teachers insisted on all the children having eggs, even though he knows how cruel the egg industry is.

more dishes, urgent mini-dryer ordering

the work day: planning, birthday lunch (amazing frena from shuk hacarmel), an emotional parental guidance meeting, coaching my coworker on the magic of npm, preparing the PR for the work i've been doing, leaving on a weird note about discussing technical things with our partners which reminded me of discussing (my thoughts on god and the follow up) when meeting gn1 - that wasn't a great example, in retrospect, because that should have been a red flag :P

we finished watching is it cake, too? over dinner, and got mr smear into bed at a reasonable time. then i passed out on the couch while we watched more evangelion.


i didn't sleep so well last night. i woke up god-knows-when thinking about a cartoon character who farts speech bubbles.

this morning's been alright so far, i went on a "free" shopping spree with epic at nystire's recommendation, now about to rush into the pre-work stuff. i'm a little nervous about the contact / cheque signing coming up this evening...

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