
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, December 18, 2023


friday cont'd: learning about the three hostages that were accidentally shot. this is absolutely devastating.

having read this article, i'm left with the impression that the current conditions are extremely unclear for our soldiers - hamas has made it very difficult to identify terrorist from unarmed civilian, and are employing all sorts of tricks to trap them - and it must be nigh impossible to adhere 100% to protocol under such circumstances. i cannot imagine how i would handle myself, and i don't want to imagine the psychological horror that the soldiers who killed the hostages must be going through / will be carrying with them for the rest of their lives.


the biggest part of the day was assisting mr smear with his holiday homework, in spite of it being very non-sabbath stuff. it certainly wasn't fun, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been, and i was very proud of him when he finally completed it - having made sure that i hadn't been doing any of it for him.

in the late afternoon i had a long chat with swordschool, which resulted in a list of interesting things to see and hear (as usual), one of them happened to be a spoiler for inscryption but at this point, i'm going to keep playing and i'm going to keep enjoying it.

i'm definitely addicted to bacterial takeover, even my son says so.

we watched another chimera ant episode of hunter x hunter, and my gods, the cruelty and violence wasn't just inappropriate for mr smear, but it was really hard to watch for us so hot on the heels of october 7th. at the end of the episode, mr smear informed us that he felt it was inappropriate for him, and that he felt that everything from the phantom troupe onwards was inappropriate, but he didn't mind because he'd enjoyed it regardless. but now he wasn't enjoying it anymore.

so that was a revelation.

as a palate cleanser, i started reading the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy to him at bedtime and he found it hysterical :)


mr smear returned to school, and gd and i went to azrieli for a coffee and a consultation. the former was shit, the latter was highly informative and the lady we spoke to really made us feel heard. it's now clear to us that it's not worth appealing the disability judgement, and that we should instead just be praying that gd's situation never gets to a point where social security would be sympathetic.

admin anxiety-wise, that's a load off.

i had a pretty good day at work, my coworker who was on paternity leave returned, and invited me for a chat - it turns out we both served on the same base at the same time, and were both (militarily) seconded from the same unit. i honestly can't tell if i (vaguely) recognize him or not from that time, but it was fun to sync and laugh about the stuff we both worked with back then.

we adventure timed over dinner at mr smear's request, and i read some more of the hitchhiker's guide. there was one sentence i needed to modify slightly, but otherwise we're still going strong.

i've spent most of the evening sorted out gd's email accounts, and now most of the important stuff is taken care of.


and now i've just seen the latest terror tunnel that's been uncovered: holy shit.

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