
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, December 15, 2023

the friday nap

omg i didn't update most of the week, i don't know where to begin (i only vaguely remember what i did).

post-coffee mistake: i don't remember the night, but i did wake up still buzzing and aside from a small turkish coffee after lunch, everything i consumed was decaf and i was fine.

it turns out the issue i had with downloading pdf professional suite was that i was signed in to the app store with a different account than the app store was showing me. good grief.

gd spoke to one of our community leaders on tuesday, and she was satisfied by what he had to say, and how receptive he was to her complaints. i'm very proud of her for calling them out.

work-wise, i dont remember much from tuesday but i do remember that it took me all of wednesday and thursday to bring one of my tickets to a conclusion. it turns out my first ticket was a proper mystery...

wednesday night was fighty, and resulted in me being responsible for feeding myself and mr smear. fortunately, there were good leftovers. even more fortunately, i managed to talk mr smear down and figure out a way for both of us to get resolve.

the hanukah homework (hebrew comprehension) turned out to be a very big story this week, and things didn't start off so well. but gd and mr smear made really good attempts while i was at work, and i sat with them yesterday morning to go over what they'd done and it was a very constructive exercise. for both of them.

yesterday lunch saw me walk over to the sarona market to pick up a bunch of saborito hot sauces, and we all did a taste test :)

the disability story generated a lot of anxiety, yesterday afternoon i managed to get in touch with two organizations who are supposed to help people navigate the process. the first informed me that they don't work with new immigrants, the second agreed to meet with us on sunday morning, so we're looking forward to that.

today began with a rush on the city market that's closing down on wednesday, by the time we got there most of their stock had gone. it's a bit of a bummer...

mr smear and i then had haircuts, then we picked up laffot for breakfast and joined gd at our favorite vegan coffee shop. it was a really good experience. then we returned, and we were almost home before we realized that we were supposed to be picking up gd's repaired shoes right next to the coffee shop, so we went all the way back and then came home. by which point i was completely exhausted.

i saw that chrono trigger is on sale, so i picked it up and played it until gd and mr smear were done with the haircut fix, then i washed my hair and tried to continue playing but suddenly fell apart and crashed for a couple of hours.

i struggled to get out of bed, but i did. i went through the entire list of hostages taken on october 7th, then took a deep breath and joined mr smear in watching response videos to alan becker's math and physics animations, and then we watched this playthrough of THE CORRIDOR.

then i took care of all the dishes that had piled up.

for most of this post, my son was sitting behind me playing human fall flat with the overclocked plaid muffins - delicious and moist on repeat... now that the game's crashed, i took the opportunity to purchase THE CORRIDOR and he's now very enthusiastically on it :)

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