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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, December 24, 2023


the past week has been really rough on my lower back, but i feel like it's been better the past couple of nights. not totally better, but a little better. gd's so far very happy with the new mattress we picked up on friday, so that's cool. hopefully it'll last.

wednesday / thursday:

i generally wasn't feeling good, and i was working on something that was way more complicated than it should have been. otherwise, i don't remember much else.


friday morning was quite something - it was the first time that mr smear went to school on a friday since the end of the last school year. we got some medical admin taken care of, i bought a pair of shoes, it was nice. then we rushed off to the furniture store for another round of mattress testing, and when gd had finally settled on one we explained to the guy how urgent it was. he responded by doing two awesome things: first, he got on the phone, and arranged for it to be delivered within the hour; second, he scratched out what appeared to be a 700 shekel charge for the upgrade.

perhaps he did that for show, i don't know, but it was definitely appreciated. we raced home, i drew cash and returned just in time to receive the couch.

after picking up mr smear from school, we split up and i walked up a few blocks to buy supplements and chocolate. by the time i got home i was feeling pretty worn out, and the rest of the day was spent doing not much. i think. i guess i published an article.


we didn't do anything or go anywhere yesterday. i did finish off another article, but most of the day was spent feeling unwell and tired.


today was all kinds of messed up.

last night and the whole of today saw a lot of rain. a lot of rain.

after dropping mr smear off at school, i scrambled to get through our documentation to find evidence of gd's residence, finding something just as we needed to get moving. which is the precise point at which gd discovered that we have another mold problem :/

we arrived at the social security offices just on time, and were pushed through to the lady who originally helped us last year.

it turned out everything was fine, and gd's residence status was (apparently) never in question. weird.

on the way home i received a message from someone in the neighbourhood who was interested in our old couch. he arrived shortly after i did, and we talked for a bit while he checked out the sofa.

i tried working for a bit, but i just couldn't get into it. then the delivery guys called, and their fifteen minutes turned into most of an hour. eventually they arrived, taking so long that gd had to go pick up mr smear - fortunately between the massive downpours. getting the new sofa went pretty smoothly, but get the old one out? turns out we'd had a miscommunication, and they refused to take it out without paying just as much as they wanted for bringing in the new one.

fortunately, one of our neighbors arrived just as i was dealing with them and offered to lend a hand. between him and the older guy taking the couch, they managed to get it out and affixed to the roof of his car in surprisingly short order!

on my way back upstairs, though, i noticed that one of our stairwell lamps had been broken. i knew it was due to the move, but i didn't see it happen so i can't make any claims. the electrician's coming tomorrow, and he's going to charge at least as much as the movers would have...


i then went to the office. it was raining hard again. as i got to the bus stop, a civilian vehicle lurched into the bus lane and accelerated hard, completely drenching me and then other guy waiting. i was so mad i began chasing the car - it was headed towards a red light - i didn't know what i was going to do, but i was at the very least going to yell at them or take a video. i never did catch them, and i ended up having to wade through a flood that came up to the very tops of my galoshes - somehow, my feet remained dry, but i feel bad for the two little girls who waded in with me because they were wearing sneakers...

i spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening at work, mostly working, but some of the time was spent dealing with the electrician stuff and some admin.

while i did something that bothered my boss - i'm not sure why he thought forking a public repo was a big deal, but whatever - i did managed to leave on a positive note with a partial success.

i finally got home, took care of some things, and got through a couple more chapters of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy to mr smear, who was initially very upset when we explained that i might not have time to read to him...

i've done two rounds of dishes so far - they've been piling up - and watched some evangelion with gd. our new couch is fantastic, and it's big: it feels like a very grown-up acquisition.

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