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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, December 29, 2023

don't be greedy


after my complaints the previous week, we received a very postive email from our boss - we have a budget for office chairs! so we're all off on sunday for a test drive together.

the contract signing in the evening was... an experience. signing the cheques was a less of a strain than anticipated. then our landlord arrived, and she wasn't more awkward than usual. the signing was fine, we talked a bit (i mentioned that our neighbors had left because their landlord got greedy, and now that apartment's been empty for a year), i showed her the things we had fixed on sunday and we talked about the mold in the cupboard situation (after gd had managed to clear it, hopefully we're done with it now at least for a while).

we then discussed whether she actually needed guarantors on top of the deposit and the cheques, which was very awkward and confusing. then she left. then she called, two minutes later, to remind me how they hadn't been greedy and raised the rent (even though all the rents in the area have been dropping recently) and how i should expect to take care of all the maintenance stuff 🤦

i told her we'd take it on a case-by-case basis. regardless, she managed to add a sour feeling to an otherwise positive evening.


it was a tricky morning with mr smear, but we were managing it well. then i breathed out (as a form of self-regulating) in a way that upset mr smear, and then things got ugly.

i didn't manage to de-escalate before getting him to school, but i'm pleased to report that i managed not to escalate things, either.

still a kak feeling.

i had lunch at the sarona market with a couple of coworkers, one a new parent and one with a toddler, and All The Things about discipline and emotional regulation came up - the new parent announced at the end that he's about ready to take his kid back to the hospital :P

in the morning, my boss asked me to put the work i've been doing aside for a rainy day after i intuited an obscure test that managed to break one of the update's dependencies. in the evening, i left with a good feeling having made real progress on an entirely new piece of work.

i passed out watching evangelion again. at least gd's enjoying it.


as i left the apartment this morning, i felt a sharp pain in the right side of my lower back (sciatica, seems like) and i've been struggling with it since.

the school run was fine, but i saw mr smear's nemesis' dad at the gate and i spent most of the walk back thinking about how much i dislike him and his bitch husband (him more by association, to be fair). the bad feelings at the end of the walk were for the old guy dragging his jack russell on a short leash; he didn't like being asked if he'd be okay with doing that to a small human.

gd and i hopped on a bus to dizengoff, where gd got her eyes tested, i picked up a replacement for my broken watch*. the prescription lenses she's getting are ridiculously expensive and not at all covered by insurance in any way, shape or form.

* a redmi smart band 2, it's the cheapest watch replacement available and feature-wise it honestly seems like an upgrade from the amazfit bip, which cost me about twice as much in south africa in 2018 (and costs almost twice as much here right now).

we got home in time to pick up mr smear from school, then we walked down to ibn gvirol for breakfast and coffee. then we came home. we spent the afternoon mostly uneventfully, but at the end of it we had an incident: mr smear decided he wanted to go to the ice-skating birthday party tomorrow, so i asked one of the moms if it was okay to RSVP so late in the game. then i booked a car. then mr smear decided he didn't want to go.

the ensuing conversation turned into a fight and did not go well. eventually, we all sat down and talked, but the process of getting to that point was very unpleasant. we've no idea what we're going to actually do tomorrow morning, but at least for now things are feeling good again.

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