
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, October 28, 2023



yak-shaving day at work. not a complete waste of a day, but i didn't make much progress on what i was supposed to be doing. it was basically me trying to fix yet another problem that shouldn't have been, caused by my coworker's generally shit attitude towards getting their tasks complete with no regard to safety, stability or maintainability. "i'm gonna do this and let some other schmuck deal with the fallout". well, this schmuck's not going to be around much longer, good luck with your steaming piles of crap. as i type this, i realize that dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs is the perfect metaphor.

mr smear went to school in the morning, it helps everyone. i'm grateful that i'm able to work from home so that i can drop him off and pick him up, because gd's a mess and she needs the support.

mr smear's friend came over in the afternoon, and we introduced him to the powerpuff girls over gd's quesadilla dinner.

we all had to go down to the shelter together, where mr smear decided to pull out michael jackson's signature crotch grab with no context whatsoever. it's something that bothers us anyway, but it's even less funny when other people see it.

i finally completed a play-through of crying suns, which is just brilliant. unfortunately, i was so tired by the time i hit the ending sequence that i think i may have skipped some of it by accident :P


we started off the day with grocery shopping, where we encountered an american with his family trying to get potassium iodide in case iran nukes us. jesus christ.

"security council": a video call with a bunch of ze germans after the first rocket attack and before the one where a building was hit, it was great catching up and seeing each other's faces

followed by long chats with sailor and my brother. then kiddush with my mom on zoom (as usual) followed by dinner (we're continuing a re-watch of hunter x hunter)

before going to bed last night, i learned about silica. this is the concept i dreamed of building when i was younger, and it's blowing my mind that it's been brought to life by a single person - martin “dram” melichárek is my hero.


today's been a bit tense so far, but not because of the war - although i do have a sickly feeling from having to respond to disinformation on an instagram feed of someone i know. we've only been down to the shelter once today, and that was because gd forgot to update her alerts app so that it doesn't alarm for other areas of tel aviv... gd and i have been having a bit of a day for a variety of stupid reasons.

on the other hand, mr smear and i spent a good few hours playing inscryption. it's outstanding! i didn't even understand that it's a rogue-like until my second death, the narrative and mechanics are really interesting.

we've just picked up mr smear's friend, whose mother's come down with some nasty flu/cold/covid... i hope we don't end up with it...

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