
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, March 03, 2019

one free day

i was tired. i've actually been really, remarkably, frustratingly tired the entire week. so has gd, so it's possible fallout from being so sick recently. most of the week was a blur, there's lots of stuff that happened that i didn't write down and while i'm a little disappointed to be missing some good stuff, i'm doing what i can with what i have.

monday 25th:

monday was hard, the first day of proper exhaustion. the start of a formal complaint against our downstairs neighbours who insist on blowing smoke into our apartment. we've been asked not to confront them and most of this week the smoke in our apartment has been nauseating. (i'm struggling right now, switching between closing the windows and trying to air the place out)

tuesday 26th:

another rough day. dnd night was fun, though.

wednesday 27th:

not having received my final payment yet, and stressing over a potential legal battle with a company i have no official details for, i contacted the guy in charge of payroll. in the late afternoon, he finally got back to me claiming there'd been "a mistake with our payroll system". sure, buddy. i re-issued the invoice as soon as i got home, which received zero response. fortunately my mother was able to help me out with my rent and paying the cleaning lady's salary,

thursday 28th:

because by the next morning's withdrawal cut-off time he still hadn't responded. by the evening, freaking out, i sent him yet another email and tried to get hold of him on the company's slack service, and when he didn't respond i finally sent a message to the big boss asking for a hand.

i received two responses from the guy in quick succession: the first rudely reminding me that invoices are only settled on thursdays (really, even when it's your damned fault that i hadn't been paid?) and the second message very sweetly explaining how he hadn't wanted to send it before in case i was sleeping (the #$%@?!?!?!)

anyway, i said farewell to my team in the morning, which went well, i did some housecleaning while waiting for gd to pick up her visa (finally!), we had a good lunch at plant, a surprise run-in with sagirl, a good haircut but unfortunately spending most of the time in the chair trying really hard to remain conscious and failing. i went to the gardens synagogue in the evening to say kaddish for my uncle, which led to a repeat discussion with gd about the inappropriateness of the orthodox separation of men and women during prayer services.

friday 1st:

my "spa" day, the first day of actually exercising at the gym in a month or two. poor cardio, doing a bit of bag work, stretching well, spending 10 to 15 minutes in the jacuzzi, and then fiddling with a java adaptation of my encryption tool

picking up mr smear and staying for a while as he played with a new friend whose mom i went to school with, picking up challah, resting for a bit and being too tired to go to the temple

a really nice friday night dinner with my mom, saying grace after meals for the first time in forever


waking up early, taking gd to her class but she had a panic attack along the way (possibly triggered by an unexpectedly heavy spray of amber perfume which made us both feel sick), coming home for a lazy day, inviting our neighbour for lunch and a good chat

a little bit of willow, most of hook, bedtime, and hunter x hunter (uvogin's battle with kurapika, DEFINITELY not for kids)

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