
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

on call on a saturday night

wednesday, thursday, friday:

lots of 7 billion humans. that's one heck of a game, and if you can get through half of it and you're not a software developer - you should be.

wednesday was purim, mr smear really enjoyed dressing up as a pirate! i got off work as soon as i could to take him to the carnival, but by the time we got through traffic it was over and he'd passed out :(

thursday was a public holiday; i discovered the hebrew translation of super wings, and i'm still really excited that mr smear couldn't get enough of it!

my first payday from my new job! after taxes it's a bit less than i was hoping for, but that's fine because at least from now i'm not going to be accumulating more scary debt. now i just have to deal with the existing scary debt.

my senior co-worker and i have been working a lot more closely the past few days, and we've had some intense interactions. nothing bad, at this point, and i have a feeling that it's going to be okay.


gd left for her course, mr smear and i took the morning slowly. we walked to the tattoo parlour so i could make an appointment to meet my artist, then bumped into my artist on the way to pick up a cup of tea - mr smear got stuck into salt and vinegar seeds and i made the staff feel bad for giving him a babycino that would have scalded him - we walked back to pick up his optimus prime and then drove to the gym i've been working out of to downgrade my membership, then returned home to hit the pool. it was a bit cold, but fun, although i might've damaged my ear trying to get water out of it afterwards...

stuffing mr smear with leftover pizza, hummus sandwiches and a delicious vegan apple pie protein cookie, eventually being tagged by gd and heading to the tattoo parlour; i'd missed my window, so picked up some things at the wellness warehouse and delicious vegan ice cream on the way home, chilled for a bit and then returned to the tattoo parlour for an exciting strategy session (i left with a green arm, my artist's got some really cool ideas)

half an eye on pocahontas (meh), dinner and [shame on me, i don't remember], shower and bedtime and then a long mission to port our deezer playlists over to google play music (we've signed up for youtube premium, if their music service is functional we'll switch back), now planning on crashing soon as i'm on call and if there's a midnight issue i'm going to have to head in to the office :(

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