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Saturday, March 09, 2019

sabbath survival

step 1: literally bash my neighbour's door in with my shoulder and foot. i don't know what mr smear made of it, but he found it very noisy and then tried to help me with the kicking. the old neighbour who came by to help was so busy giving me a run-down of the history the building managers that by the time he finally went off to call someone i'd pretty much gotten the job done.

step 2: mr smear playing at the temple with some bigger kids after refusing to join the group we'd gone for. seeing our first landlord and completely ignoring the prick (i couldn't tell if he wanted to greet me or not, but wasn't interested in finding out). the enormous spread and heavy press of people, giving it a miss and taking mr smear for a smoothie at the waterfront, followed by a visit to the aquarium which inspired the thought of the day: "the story of the human condition: this sucks, but you can f*** right off if you think i'm going to change something."

step 3: mr smear demolishing most of "our" lunch (he ate lots more than his fair share, and was still hungry afterwards), which included tofu, avocado, and edamame. someone sat across from us with his kid and the two of them were eating giant cupcakes. i can only presume that that was their lunch, because he made things really awkward by saying "that looks a lot healthier than what we're eating". i just didn't know what to say.

step 4: coming home for naps and general rest.

step 5: walking to the 24-hour pharmacy together. seeing some crazy people. one of them insisting on holding my hand as all three of us tried to keep as far away as possible without being offensive about it.

step 6: walking up to where the (concert?) was, mr smear loving the music and dancing on my shoulders. the disturbing woman shadowing us and giving me a strange look when i stopped so that she would walk past.

step 7: shower, toy story in french, a long and interesting chat with horseman.

step 8: bedtime, tekken, and trying out black mirror - bandersnatch on the ps3. thoroughly enjoying the experience and stopping halfway so that gd could join me.

step 9: making myself a cup of rooibos tea and trying to be productive, but an hour's gone by and i think i need to go to bed.

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