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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, March 08, 2019

achievements unlocked

the smoking saga:

> Your complaint was discussed last night at the trustees meeting and we have also looked for advice from a specialist sectional title schemes legal issues web site, Paddocks, to which we subscribe. The issue of smoking within one’s own section is a difficult one as a resident may do as they like to a great extent. While we do have a “nuisance” Conduct Rule, the comment from Paddocks is that to be a nuisance, “the actions must first be unreasonable according to standards of the ‘normal man of sound liberal tastes and habits’. The courts will not apply the standards of any perverse or over-scrupulous person”.

As a next step, we suggest that you approach the owner of the flat as you have got nowhere with his tenant. The owner is

> Thank you for investigating.

I'm fairly confident that in 2019 it would not be considered "perverse or over-scrupulous" to not want to be forced to ingest large quantities of cigarette smoke in our own home. This is not a case of us getting "an occasional whiff" but a significant amount of smoke that comes into our apartment; it's actually difficult to breathe and we have a small child, and I don't think it's reasonable to be forced to permanently keep our windows shut.

If I understand correctly, it is illegal to smoke in public places and within ten metres of entrances. Surely, if a court of law can find that behaviour to be problematic, it would not encourage what's going on here.

I'll take it up with the landlord, hopefully we'll be able to come to some kind of resolution. I'm sure there are many kinds of solutions that do not involve them giving up their habits or us our access to clean air.

> Please keep me updated on developments. If there’s no positive progress then there are a couple of further avenues to explore.

How very kind.


day 4: rain, picking up our friend on the way to school, more IT troubles, free breakfast intentions, giving UX advice to an intern, HR bureaucracy, being surprised by my 11am meeting (calendar issues), a good meeting, a long call with sailor over lunch, finally getting my computer sorted out, getting halfway through a 4am (his time) call with a superior before realizing that he's a higher station (i'm amused that i told him "i think we can be friends!" in response to something he said), setting up my workstation, an interesting chat with my team about documentation and then going into a much deeper conversation than intended

leaving later than planned, meeting my mom and gd and mr smear at my mom's coffee shop, grocery shopping and finally returning home around 8pm, a great late dinner and penn and teller - fool us, a quick shower, good bedtime, most of an episode of hunter x hunter, failing to find the beginning of liar liar amusing after gd went to bed, lots of housekeeping, a little 7 billion humans and now it's past 1am...

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